I am not sure if the plugin on this site is updated for the latest
release...you can check that with the site owner...
Another option is to try using Eclipse if you can..

2008/8/24 sefs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> OS: Ubuntu 8.04.1
> IDE: Netbeans 6.5 Beta
> Addtional info:
> ----------------------
> Android SDK installed
> Android plugins installed.
> Guide being followed:
> -----------------------
> http://wiki.netbeans.org/IntroAndroidDevNetBeans
> When i get to the first build and run part I get this error
> ***
> init:
> deps-jar:
> ERROR: Unknown command 'compile'
> Android Asset Packaging Tool
> Usage:
> aapt l[ist] [-v] [-a] file.{zip,jar,apk}
> List contents of Zip-compatible archive.
> aapt d[ump] WHAT file.{apk} [asset [asset ...]]
> permissions Print the permissions from the APK.
> resources Print the resource table from the APK.
> configurations Print the configurations in the APK.
> xmltree Print the compiled xmls in the given assets.
> aapt p[ackage] [-f][-u][-m][-v][-x][-M AndroidManifest.xml] \
> [-I base-package [-I base-package ...]] \
> [-A asset-source-dir] [-P public-definitions-file] \
> [-S resource-sources] [-F apk-file] [-J R-file-dir] \
> [raw-files-dir [raw-files-dir] ...]
> Package the android resources. It will read assets and resources that
> are
> supplied with the -M -A -S or raw-files-dir arguments. The -J -P -F
> and -R
> options control which files are output.
> aapt r[emove] [-v] file.{zip,jar,apk} file1 [file2 ...]
> Delete specified files from Zip-compatible archive.
> aapt a[dd] [-v] file.{zip,jar,apk} file1 [file2 ...]
> Add specified files to Zip-compatible archive.
> aapt v[ersion]
> Print program version.
> Modifiers:
> -a print Android-specific data (resources, manifest) when listing
> -c specify which configurations to include. The default is all
> configurations. The value of the parameter should be a comma
> separated list of configuration values. Locales should be specified
> as either a language or language-region pair. Some examples:
> en
> port,en
> port,land,en_US
> If you put the special locale, zz_ZZ on the list, it will perform
> pseudolocalization on the default locale, modifying all of the
> strings so you can look for strings that missed the
> internationalization process. For example:
> port,land,zz_ZZ
> -d one or more device assets to include, separated by commas
> -f force overwrite of existing files
> -j specify a jar or zip file containing classes to include
> -m make package directories under location specified by -J
> -u update existing packages (add new, replace older, remove deleted
> files)
> -v verbose output
> -x create extending (non-application) resource IDs
> -z require localization of resource attributes marked with
> localization="suggested"
> -A additional directory in which to find raw asset files
> -F specify the apk file to output
> -I add an existing package to base include set
> -J specify where to output R.java resource constant definitions
> -M specify full path to AndroidManifest.xml to include in zip
> -P specify where to output public resource definitions
> -S directory in which to find resources
> -0 don't compress files we're adding
> /home/pokeymon/hd2/data/programming/MyFirstAndroidApp/nbproject/build-
> impl.xml:334: exec returned: 2
> BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
> ***
> How can I resolve that.
> Thanks.
> >

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