I found this slightly more complicated and this is what I did to
resolve it. This is specific to Ubuntu and I'm using 8.04.

If you are using Ubuntu and have used the package manager to download
and install Eclipse 3.2.2 (which is all that is available using Ubuntu
right now, much to the chagrin of those who use Eclipse...) you will
have GCJ version of Java Installed.

I removed Eclipse 3.2.2 and then downloaded and installed Eclipse
3.3.4. All of the packages, however, that were required by Eclipse
3.2.2 remain on the system. (Not all of that is bad, mind you, but you
have to jump through some additional hoops.)

You can back out of GCJ, for one, or you can use "update-alternatives"
to re-link the java tools.

sudo update-alternative --config java

You will be presented with a list of Java alternatives. If you have
installed Java 1.6.0, then look for that and hit the number next to

Don't be fooled, you may have relinked Java, but you have not relinked
additional tools.

sudo update-alternative --config keytool

Then selected the appropriate Java keytool application. There may be
other things that may need to be relinked using this method, but those
two fixed my issue.

Next step, you may need to re-create the debug.keystore or make
another one for yourself using Java 1.6.0 keytool.

Java's keytool is a little different than GCJ. Type:

keytool -genkeypair

This will update the ".keystore" file in your home directory. I then
copied this to ".android/debug.keystore".

You can also go in to "Windows > Preferences > Android > Build" and
set the Custom debug keystore to your ~/.keystore file. I have both
filled in... just in case.

I still couldn't get it working because of the error flag on the build
process. I went into "Run > Run Configurations... " selected Android
Application and created a New_Configuration. Under the common tab, I
flipped it from Local File to Shared File, Ran the application (it
launched the emulator without an issue), then flipped it back to Local
file and saved it.

The .APK is now saved in the bin directory... now I just need to get
it to launch. :) Need to dive back into the documentation.

Man, I just want you all to know, this problem must be very obscure
with the signature file... because I couldn't find any real
information in one place. Hope this helps others...

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