Elcman, why don't you just get sun-java6 and put eclipse 3.4 + ADT in your
home folder? It might make things a little cleaner, would it not? Those guys
really need to keep those packages up to date.

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 2:50 PM, elcman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I found this slightly more complicated and this is what I did to
> resolve it. This is specific to Ubuntu and I'm using 8.04.
> If you are using Ubuntu and have used the package manager to download
> and install Eclipse 3.2.2 (which is all that is available using Ubuntu
> right now, much to the chagrin of those who use Eclipse...) you will
> have GCJ version of Java Installed.
> I removed Eclipse 3.2.2 and then downloaded and installed Eclipse
> 3.3.4. All of the packages, however, that were required by Eclipse
> 3.2.2 remain on the system. (Not all of that is bad, mind you, but you
> have to jump through some additional hoops.)
> You can back out of GCJ, for one, or you can use "update-alternatives"
> to re-link the java tools.
> Type:
> sudo update-alternative --config java
> You will be presented with a list of Java alternatives. If you have
> installed Java 1.6.0, then look for that and hit the number next to
> it.
> Don't be fooled, you may have relinked Java, but you have not relinked
> additional tools.
> Type:
> sudo update-alternative --config keytool
> Then selected the appropriate Java keytool application. There may be
> other things that may need to be relinked using this method, but those
> two fixed my issue.
> Next step, you may need to re-create the debug.keystore or make
> another one for yourself using Java 1.6.0 keytool.
> Java's keytool is a little different than GCJ. Type:
> keytool -genkeypair
> This will update the ".keystore" file in your home directory. I then
> copied this to ".android/debug.keystore".
> You can also go in to "Windows > Preferences > Android > Build" and
> set the Custom debug keystore to your ~/.keystore file. I have both
> filled in... just in case.
> I still couldn't get it working because of the error flag on the build
> process. I went into "Run > Run Configurations... " selected Android
> Application and created a New_Configuration. Under the common tab, I
> flipped it from Local File to Shared File, Ran the application (it
> launched the emulator without an issue), then flipped it back to Local
> file and saved it.
> The .APK is now saved in the bin directory... now I just need to get
> it to launch. :) Need to dive back into the documentation.
> Man, I just want you all to know, this problem must be very obscure
> with the signature file... because I couldn't find any real
> information in one place. Hope this helps others...
> >

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