Please, would someone attempt to answer this?

On Oct 24, 5:27 pm, Chainfire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm wanting to port a WM application to Android.
> It is my understanding, that at the moment only Java can be used, and
> not C++ ?  (Not that big of a problem, but if at a later stage C++
> will be possible, that would be unfortunate).
> Furthermore, this is a networking application and hence cannot really
> be tested on the emulator. As I am located in Europe it also seems to
> be impossible for me to actually get my hands on an actual device.
> Emails with questions about this to the OHA have gone unanswered. This
> is also one of the reasons we did not bother to enter in round one of
> ADC.
> Perhaps it is possible to import a G1 from the US, but T-Mobile in the
> US uses a non-standard HSDPA frequency. Does anybody know if the G1 is
> usable on the normal HSDPA frequencies used in Europe and Asia?
> Furthermore, as our US-based competition CAN do what we now cant, it's
> a bit unfair to us.
> Also I am wondering if it's still possible to enter into the upcoming
> round 2 of ADC, or if that is only possible if you were in round 1.
> I'd ask this directly to somebody at Google, but I haven't been able
> to find a way to contact them.
> Thanks in advance!
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