Evan Ruff wrote:
> Basically, I have two related activities: a view with a number in the
> middle, and another activity with a grid of numbers that fill the
> screen. Basically, when you press the number on view1, it switches to
> view2 (startActivityForResult) and then when the user clicks one of
> the grid numbers, returns the number.
> Here's the thing, it's calling create() and onDestroy() every time my
> Grid pops up. This is making the application feel a little sluggish if
> you're trying to change the number really fast. Basically, I don't
> understand how I can make the NumberGrid guy Pause instead of Destory,
> then do onResume instead of onCreate. (I call finish() in my click
> listener, but that's the only way I can figure out how to make it
> return) I imagine poping up the cached view would be WAY snappier than
> creating it every time.
> Am I completely missing what I'm supposed to be doing here?

Well, your second activity is behaving as it should. It's supposed to go
through onDestroy() after finish(), followed by onCreate() on the next open.

Rather than using an activity for the second screen, you could try a
managed dialog, as they're cached, so after the first pop, subsequent
ones (for the same lifecycle of your first activity) should be held
onto. Or, work out something else where you switch between two Views
instead of displaying a whole 'nuther activity, such as using ViewFlipper.

You might be able to figure out something using the whole task thing,
but I'm dubious.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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