Casper Bang wrote:
> It wasn't until I found Mark Murphy's "The Busy Coder's
> Guide to Android Development" that I starting feeling a bit more
> comfortable with all the XML

That is due to the subliminal "angle brackets are your friends" I have
in the watermark on the pages.


> Also, Roman Guy replied in another thread, that you can't do the same
> with Java as you can with XML (although that seems odd, all other XML
> view technologies I know of ultimately translates into a Java
> component tree):

His second post was a bit confusing to me, but I think he was trying to
echo the point he tried to emphasize in his first post.

When you get to the Resources chapter in the aforementioned book,
there's a section at the end that covers resource sets. Those allow you
to have different resources loaded based on different criteria, from
user language to screen resolution to the existence of a QWERTY
keyboard, and beyond. While it is technically possible to do all of that
in Java, you'll drown in a sea of if(), switch(), and ternary operators.

Similarly, while it is technically possible to use containers like
RelativeLayout fully in Java, it is *much* more verbose than setting
them up in XML.

Finally, one key reason why any development platform uses XML for
anything is to help support the creation of tools to manipulate it.
Admittedly, that hasn't happened much with Android, outside of the main
SDK tools and stuff like MOTODEV's extensions on the same. But it is
much easier to build tools to generate and modify XML-based UIs than it
is to build tools to generate and modify Java-based UIs, IMHO.

Those sorts of arguments may not matter much to you, which is why the
Java-based approach is available and valid. I use it sometimes myself,
though not terribly often. Choose the approach that you like.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

Android App Developer Books:

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