> Scaling will not work, and yes, I need to scroll in both directions.
> This is for an Android port of Nethack:
> http://www.nethack.org/
> For reference, here's an image of the WinCE port:
> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://freewareppc.com/images/products/games/nethack.gif&imgrefurl=http://freewareppc.com/games/nethack.shtml&usg=__V2gViMypkQ0c-uVhdy-kZnJhC9Q=&h=206&w=168&sz=16&hl=en&start=1&sig2=LE6i0h0F_Y4qJ38HDPfA7g&um=1&tbnid=3nSzvzw93Y2NeM:&tbnh=105&tbnw=86&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwince%2Bnethack%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=veq6SpzDFqiQtAPlp6mYCQ
> There's a large map, the tiles are 16x16 pixels, and scrolling in both
> directions is absolutely required.
> This is really something that should be easy in Android, but I have no
> idea how to do it.

Try using the 2D graphics API (Canvas and SurfaceView). I suspect there
are few, if any, games on Android akin to Nethack that attempt to use the
widget API (ImageView and scrolling containers).

I know that Ed Burnette's book _Hello, Android_ covers this API, albeit
for a Sudoku game rather than something like Nethack. One of these days,
I'll have to learn this stuff myself...

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
Android App Developer Books: http://commonsware.com/books.html

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