Hi Richard

Thanks for answering.

Sorry for the double post. I guess I thought that my post wasn't
submitted properly (i got no confirmation that it was successfully

- Frederik

On Oct 27, 6:03 pm, RichardC <richard.crit...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I have already answered you earlier (duplicate 
> post)http://groups.google.com/group/android-beginners/browse_thread/thread...
> --
> RichardC
> On Oct 27, 6:48 am, Froens <fro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi group
> > I am new to developing programs to the  Android framework.
> > I've read the sample exercises (http://developer.android.com/guide/
> > tutorials/notepad/notepad-ex1.html) but have a question regarding
> > their database creating.
> > All database creation happens in the function ["onCreate()" -
> > NotesDbAdapter.java ln 67].
> > As I read the code, the create statement is run without checking that
> > the DB exists.
> > What if the db exists already? How ofthe is the function run? ... It
> > doest override a method, but the class does not extend any class and
> > thus does not inherint any functions to override?
> > I've seen some work-arounds on the internet:
> > To include a "IF NOT EXISTS"-statement in the SQL
> > or
> > Just check that the DB exists before querying it. If not, create it.
> > Both seem very clumsy. Is there no way to setup a db at install time?
> > Best regards and thanks in advance
> > Frederik

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