Bret & Mark,

Sorry for interrupting, but I also got curious about this. It seems like a neat way to bring up the About box without making the context menu too large.

This works, no problems at all:


<Preference android:key="aboutPref"
android:title="About title"
android:summary="About summary">
<intent android:action="ABOUT_ACTION"/>

the manifest:

<activity android:name=".AboutActivity" android:label="@string/about_activity"
<action android:name="ABOUT_ACTION"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

-- Kostya

30.07.2010 19:29, Bret Foreman пишет:

Well, the manifest documentation is pretty sparse so it's not
surprising that it doesn't mention this case. A good example is the
screen of choices that face you when you look at the Application tab
in the manifest editor in Eclipse and click on one of the activities
or services. That calls up a form with about 25 choices, none of which
include an "action", by the way. A document that describes what all
these choices mean would be very helpful. Note that there's a choice
called "clear task on launch", a phrase that you can search in vain
for in the manifest documentation.

It seems like people mostly build projects by copy-paste from other
projects, which is a fine approach as far as it goes but it can grow
into a nightmare if people start propagating unsupported hacks. Then
you have hundreds of apps that break at the same time when a new
release invalidates the hack.

OK, down off my soapbox. The change you suggest below didn't work.
Same exception in logcat. I can think of several approaches to take it
from here:

1) I build a simple test project that illustrates the problem and
submit it as a bug.
2) We decide that this approach is unsupported, in which case I submit
a bug against the documentation.
3) We take another swing at it, recognizing that we are implementing
something that lives on shaky ground, since undocumented behavior can
change at any time.

What do you think?


On Jul 29, 7:02 pm, Mark Murphy<>  wrote:
I can't find where what you're doing is documented, so I have no idea
what the right behavior is. Do you have a link to where it describes
this<intent>  child element of<Preference>?

Regardless, I see where I went wrong before.

Your error is:

E/AndroidRuntime(  376): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No
found to handle Intent { act=com.shipmate.AboutShipMateActivity }

Notice the "act=com.shipmate.AboutShipMateActivity" part. That says
the Intent it is trying to use has an *action* of
com.shipmate.AboutShipMateActivity. So, add an<intent-filter>  with an
<action>  of com.shipmate.AboutShipMateActivity to your activity, and
you should have better luck.

Kostya Vasilev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget --

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