On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Bret Foreman <bret.fore...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Note that there's a choice
> called "clear task on launch", a phrase that you can search in vain
> for in the manifest documentation.

Ah, but if you remove the spaces, clearTaskOnLaunch is in the docs.

> It seems like people mostly build projects by copy-paste from other
> projects, which is a fine approach as far as it goes but it can grow
> into a nightmare if people start propagating unsupported hacks. Then
> you have hundreds of apps that break at the same time when a new
> release invalidates the hack.

Bingo. That's one of the reasons I've been jumping up and down more
recently when people use undocumented stuff.

In my case, I just figured there was some documentation that I had
missed somewhere.

> 1) I build a simple test project that illustrates the problem and
> submit it as a bug.
> 2) We decide that this approach is unsupported, in which case I submit
> a bug against the documentation.
> 3) We take another swing at it, recognizing that we are implementing
> something that lives on shaky ground, since undocumented behavior can
> change at any time.

Try Kostya's sample, perhaps just by adding back in the DEFAULT
category I, um, had you remove. (sorry) I suspect we can get this

That being said, if you keep a roster of "things that might go 'boom'
in future releases" for your apps, add this to the list, since for all
we know they'll dump this feature in favor of some other
implementation (e.g., dedicated IntentPreference class). In fact, if
you wanted to be super-safe, implementing an IntentPreference class
may not be that difficult, and you then aren't dependent on an
undocumented feature.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
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