click BACK causes onPause() called,
click HOME causes onFreeze() called and onPause(),
click your app again in HOME screen should cause onCreate() and/or
onResume() called.
The last one I dont remember whether it is the case, can you try and report

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Bruno Sauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  well yes, setting a breakpoint in onResume() is easy enough. But the
> problem is, you'll be sitting there waiting for the breakpoint to fire until
> the cows come home. And the cows will never come home unless Android has
> some external activity to attend to that will cause it to preempt, and
> possibly even kill, your app.
> So I'm just hoping somebody knows how to herd these cows :>
> wave connexion(BQ) wrote:
> try using debug, set breakpoints in those callbacks etc...
> On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Bruno Sauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   This is a non-trivial topic - so - it would be helpful if there was a
> simple way for users to test it: i.e. the best way for us users to
> understand how it works would be for us to see our app crash (that's always
> enlightening :>)
> I'm wondering, is there a simple way for the user to kill his app to
> simulate what Android "may sometimes do" after the app goes through the
> onPause() state in the diagram below (taken 
> from
> ):
> [image: activity_lifecycle.png]
> The fact that Android "may sometimes" go up the path on the left is
> unquestionably NEVER going to happen when the user is testing the app in the
> lab, (:->) but will certainly happen when the app is released :<
> The important thing that the user needs to understand is that (sometimes)
> the app's variables will not contain what they use to in the onResume()
> state.
> Does anyone know of a simple way to let the user simulate these state
> transitions? I dunno -  is there a kill command in the adb shell that will
> do it? Or could it be done with some kind of android.os.process.sendSignal()
> ?
> Thanks.
> vitvikt wrote:
> Thank's for all.
> I read all about lifecycle, but it didn't help me :).
> In my application I read big file to static array.
> Now it is sufficient to read this file only one time.
> Snake example from SDK  examples uses specific tecnic to save data.
> It do it in onFreeze(), and restore - in onCreate().
> I think, may be it very important to do so.
> But when I removed this in Snake and used static variables, I got same
> result.
> vitvikt
> >


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