Wesley wrote:
> Each activity need to declare at AndroidManifest.xml in order to start
> activity...


> thing I want to do is I want to startActivity without declare it at
> manifest file... 

I do not know of any way to do that.

Why do you feel you need to register an activity at run-time instead of 
at compile-time? There may be other ways to solve your problem that 
better fit the Android framework.

 > It can't run activity, exception was throw where the
> exception said I need declare the activity in manifest...


> the resources that I mean is "getContext().getResources()" it has a
> way to getResources.. But is there anyway I can set the Resources that
> return from the method???

1. Put the resources in the res/ directory tree...but I think you knew 
that and don't want to do that for some reason.

2. Create your own base Activity subclass that overrides getResources() 
to return a Resources object that, somehow, you fill in yourself.

This is one of those places where I wish the Android SDK used a few more 
interfaces in its API, to give folk more flexibility.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
Android Training on the Ranch in September! http://www.bignerdranch.com

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