There is nothing to do to show the selection. Note however that the
selection appears only when you use the physical keys (that is your
keyboard in the emulator). Touching (clicking with your mouse) the
screen won't show the selection.

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 3:27 AM, juma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>      I displayed some list of items in the emulator.
>       Item-1
>       Item-2
>       Item-3
>     I want to display some page,When i click the items.
>     I done  in the m3 version.successfully.
>     But i cant do in the m5 version.Because there is no highlight
> bar  displayed in the items.
>     What is the code we have to follow to display the highlight bar
> in the items.
> Here my code is
> package com.IW.Architectureee;
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> import java.util.HashMap;
> import java.util.List;
> import java.util.Map;
> import;
> import android.content.Intent;
> import android.os.Bundle;
> import android.os.Handler;
> import android.util.Log;
> import android.view.Menu;
> import android.view.View;
> import android.widget.ListView;
> import android.widget.SimpleAdapter;
> public class MenuArchitecture extends ListActivity   {
>        private Handler handler = new Handler();
>        private int contentViewId,page;
>        public static final int EXTERIOR = Menu.FIRST;
>        public static final int MENU=Menu.SECONDARY;
>    public int imageno;
>    public  int selectionRowID;
>          /** Called when the activity is first created. */
>  @Override
>  public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
>     super.onCreate(icicle);
>     setContentView(;
>     String[] labels = new String[] {
> SHOW" };
>    setListAdapter(new SimpleAdapter(this,
> getData(labels),R.layout.menu_item, new String[]{"title"}, new int[]
> {}));
> }
>           private List<Map<String, Object>> getData(String[] labels)
>           {
>               List<Map<String, Object>> list = new
> ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
>               for (String label : labels)
>               {
>                       list.add(getMap(label));
>               }
>               return list;
>           }
>           private Map<String, Object> getMap(String label)
>           {
>               Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
>               map.put("title", label);
>               return map;
>           }
>                   protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int 
> position,
> long id) {
>                   //Log.i("","Selected");
>                   super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);
>                     // Get the item that was clicked
>                     Object o = this.getListAdapter().getItem(position);
>                     String keyword = o.toString();
>                     Intent myStarterIntent = null;
>                  try {
>                        selectionRowID = (int)getSelectedItemPosition();
>                          //selectionRowID = (int)gets
>                      //To display exterior page
>                   if (selectionRowID==0)
>                      {
>                           myStarterIntent = new Intent(this,
> MenuArchitecture2.class );
>                              //Send the Intent to the OS.
>                                  this.startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>                      }
>                    //To display exterior1 page
>                      if (selectionRowID==1)
>                      {
>                          myStarterIntent = new Intent(this,
> exterior1Page.class  );
>                              //Send the Intent to the OS.
>                                  this.startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>                      }
>                    //To display exterior1 page
>                      if (selectionRowID==2)
>                      {
>                          myStarterIntent = new Intent(this,
> LivingPage.class  );
>                              //Send the Intent to the OS.
>                                  this.startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>                      }
>                    //To display dining1 page
>                      if (selectionRowID==3)
>                      {
>                          myStarterIntent = new Intent(this,
> dining1Page.class  );
>                              //Send the Intent to the OS.
>                                  this.startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>                      }
>                    //To display dining2 page
>                      if (selectionRowID==4)
>                      {
>                          myStarterIntent = new Intent(this,
> dining2Page.class   );
>                              //Send the Intent to the OS.
>                                  this.startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>                      }
>                    //To display bedroom1 page
>                      if (selectionRowID==5)
>                      {
>                          myStarterIntent = new Intent(this,
> bedroom1Page.class );
>                              //Send the Intent to the OS.
>                                  this.startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>                      }
>                    //To display bedroom2 page
>                      if (selectionRowID==6)
>                      {
>                          myStarterIntent = new Intent(this,
> bedroom2Page.class   );
>                              //Send the Intent to the OS.
>                                  this.startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>                      }
>                    //To display plan page
>                      if (selectionRowID==7)
>                      {
>                          myStarterIntent = new Intent(this, planPage.class );
>                              //Send the Intent to the OS.
>                                  this.startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>                      }
>                    //To display address page
>                      if (selectionRowID==8)
>                      {
>                          myStarterIntent = new Intent(this,
> addressPage.class   );
>                              //Send the Intent to the OS.
>                                  this.startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>                      }
>                    //To display address page
>                      if (selectionRowID==9)
>                      {
>                          Log.i("","SlideShow");
>                          myStarterIntent = new Intent(this,
> slideShowPage.class   );
>                              //Send the Intent to the OS.
>                                  this.startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>                      }
>                  }
>                  catch (Exception e)
>                  {
>                  }
>                  // Start the activity
>                  //startActivity(myStarterIntent);
>            }
>           }
> Thanks
> judy
> >

Romain Guy

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