
Thank you for not using the title "Developer Advocate"

On Jun 30, 4:34 pm, Digit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm certainly going to be slapped for talking publicy about all this in this
> forum, but, as an
> Android team member, I really think it's time to correct some
> misunderstandings before
> the wild hyperbole that has been prospering in this thread goes further.
> First of all, regarding the alleged GPL violations: I'll remind you that the
> only components
> covered by the GPL that we distributed are: the kernel image and the
> emulator library.
> (no, we never distributed javadoc, please check your zip files before making
> bold but erroneous
> claims)
> We distributed updated binaries of these GPL-ed components to the ADC round
> 1 winners.
> Technically , any one of them can ask us for the corresponding sources, and
> would be free
> to distribute them under the GPL publicly. but nobody did that until now,
> and I doubt that
> would be very useful for the following reasons:
>    - first of all, you could only use them to try to run the *same* M3 or M5
>    system images.
>    - second, it's not even guaranteed that the updated emulator and/or
>    kernel images would
>    run M3/M5 well. As the guy in charge of the emulator, I certainly don't
>    want to have to
>    support that kind of combination.
>    - the kernel sources are already available from our git server anyway.
> remember that, strictly speaking, the GPL only forces us to distribute the
> sources to the users that
> received the binaries, not to the public at large. you could ask us to be
> kind by releasing updated
> emulator sources, however I'm really certain that there would be nearly-zero
> practical value to
> anyone in the community. What you need is a new SDK, not a very few pieces
> made out of
> GPL sources.
> So in short, there hasn't been any GPL violation that I'm aware of, and rest
> assured that the Android team
> has been very cautious about licensing issues from the very start. If we
> really made a mistake, I think
> we'll be more than happy to correct it though.
> Now, regarding the NDA. Certain people have made some really wild guesses
> about it even though
> they've never seen it or know what it covers exactly. Please note that *
> nobody* from Google or the OHA
> ever claimed that the NDA applied to the GPL-ed code. it's here to protect
> the updated system images
> and APIs which are still, at the moment, not open source. why would we have
> updated our
> git server with updated kernel sources otherwise ?
> But the root of the problem is certainly not licensing but that there hasn't
> been a new public SDK release
> since M5, while at the same time a small group of people received updated
> versions privately.
> I really don't know precisely why this happened; but I'm sure it has more to
> do with logistics and reducing
> the burden of support while we shift priorities (to shipping real devices)
> rather than politics or any will of our
> part to "hurt the community" (come one guys, we are *not* that stupid... !)
> While others in the team may disagree, I think it was very very unfortunate;
> some of us are trying to
> prepare a new SDK release, but it's a lot harder than I can comment on here,
> so don't hold your breath
> because it might not happen that soon.
> And I'd like to add that, as we said, we're still totally committed to
> release the platform under the
> Apache 2.0 license. *Many* people in the Android team, and at Google in
> general, are looking forwards
> with excitement when this will happen this year.
> Finally, I'd like to thank all the people in the community that are
> currently keeping their cool despite this
> uncomfortable situation. We feel your pain, understand it, even though we
> can only ask you to be patient
> at the moment.
> Voila, that's all I'm going to say... thanks for your time and take care.
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:32 PM, André Charles Legendre <
> > It seems that we have not the same way to read this :
> > # No Agreements: There MUST NOT be any requirement for execution of a
> > license agreement, NDA, grant, click-through, or any other form of
> > paperwork to deploy conforming implementations of the standard.
> > But it seems that many people have the same question than me (consider
> > the fact that part of SDK are derivative from GPL projects).
> > Below a statement from Richard Stallman who details its answer so it
> > would be easier to read without mistake :
> > This is the mail archive of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list for the
> > GCC project.
> > Index Nav:      [Date Index] [Subject Index] [Author Index] [Thread Index]
> > Message Nav:    [Date Prev] [Date Next]         [Thread Prev] [Thread Next]
> > GPL and NDA
> >    * To: gcc at gcc dot gnu dot org
> >    * Subject: GPL and NDA
> >    * From: Richard Stallman <rms at gnu dot org>
> >    * Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 05:07:10 -0600 (MDT)
> >    * Reply-to: rms at gnu dot org
> > GPL-covered code may not be distributed under an NDA.
> > To do so is a violation of the GPL.
> > If someone asks you to sign an NDA for receiving GPL-covered code that
> > is copyright FSF, please inform the FSF immediately.  If it involves
> > GPL-covered code that has some other copyright holder, please inform
> > that copyright holder, just as you would for any other kind of
> > violation of the GPL.
> > It is possible for a person or company to develop changes to a
> > GPL-covered program and sign an NDA promising not to release these
> > changes *to anyone*.  This is a different case.  As long as these
> > changes are not distributed at all, a fortiori they are not
> > distributed in a way that violates the GPL.
> > However, if and when the changes are distributed to another person or
> > outside the company, they must be distributed under the terms of the
> > GPL, not under an NDA.
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