Ok. It was a silly question.



But I dont get any LocationUpdates. I have pushed locations to the
device through the DDMS interface but get no LocationUpdate.

On 21 Aug., 11:40, code_android_festival_way
> Thank you for your reponse. I'm trying to implement the
> requestUpdates() now. At the moment I'm faced with the follwing
> problem. I've implemented the LocationListener but always get the
> following LogCat error.
> Can't create handler inside thread that has not called
> Looper.prepare()
> Well I'm calling my geo class in a thread that was started by a
> service. At the moment it looks like this. What do I have to change in
> order to get the listener working?
> My Geo class:
> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/80ypWR00yHnHRz9pN7mc/
> Regards!
> On 20 Aug., 18:36, Reto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The getLastKnownLocation method will return null until the provider
> > you specify has gotten at least one update. In practice that means you
> > need to have an application (any application, doesn't have to be the
> > one your testing) request (and receive) updates at least once in your
> > emulator session before it will getLastKnown will return a value.
> > You can disable the updates after the first return if you want to, in
> > fact that's probably a reasonable way of implementing the
> > 'getCurrentLocation' functionality you're after.
> > Cheers
> > Reto
> > On 20 Aug, 14:21, code_android_festival_way
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Firstly I got the question why I can't get the currentlocationany
> > > more. I don't need repeating updates of my position I just need the
> > > currentlocation. At the moment I'm using getLastKnownLocation() but I
> > > would assume that this position could be very outdated.
> > > Furthermore the method "getLastKnownLocation()" returns me aLocation
> > > object that is null. Here is the code that I'm using at the moment:
> > > LocationManager lM =
> > > (LocationManager)context.getSystemService(context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
> > > LocationProvider lP = lM.getProvider("gps");
> > >Locationloc = lM.getLastKnownLocation(lP.getName());
> > > String[]location=
> > > {String.valueOf(loc.getLongitude()),String.valueOf(loc.getLatitude())};
> > > I've added the following permission to my manifest file:
> > >     <uses-permission
> > > android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION" />
> > >     <uses-permission
> > > android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
> > >     <uses-permission  android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_GPS" />
> > >     <uses-permission
> > > android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION" />
> > > But I'm always getting a Nullpointer Exception using theLocation. (so
> > > theLocationreturned is null)
> > > Could you give me a hint how I could achieve to get my current/
> > > lastKnownlocationin 0.9? (in M5 everything was fine)
> > > Looking forward getting your answers.
> > > Regards and happy coding!
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