I guess there is one other thing i should specify. One of the two
possible outcomes is to do nothing. And then if i launch a background
thread (the activity that launched it is still visible) i would get a
progress bar shown over the currently displayed view, and then it
could just end, and everything would close (since one of the two
possible outcomes is to do nothing). And that would look very bad to
the end user. That is why i am looking for some way to hide all my
views, but keep an activity alive.

I know one option is to bind a service for this, but i felt that it
would be overkill to bind a service that is turned on by an acitivty
that subsequently closes, runs for some 1-2 seconds, and then spawns
another activity. This solution feels like an over-complication.

On Sep 28, 6:38 pm, Peli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This sounds more like a dialog, progressdialog, or toast to me than an
> "invisible activity"..
> http://code.google.com/android/reference/android/app/ProgressDialog.html
> You could launch the intense calculatoin in a background thread, and
> indicate through handlers when the calculation is done.
> Does this sound like a possible solution, or did you have something
> else in mind?
> Peliwww.openintents.org
> On 28 Sep., 17:21, radu weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello
> > I need to create the following flow for my application:
> > 1. Application is launched
> > 2. Application shows a view for gathering data
> > 3. View for gathering data disappears. This view is graphical in
> > nature and only takes up the central part of the screen, and it is
> > also transparent, so the previous contents of the screen are visible
> > behind it and around it.
> > 4. Some intensive computation takes place, that should take 0.1 - 1
> > seconds on a regular ARM 11 CPU.
> > 5. Depending on the result of the computation one of two other views
> > is shown.
> > My issue:
> > I don't want the view described at 3 to have any other graphical
> > component of my application behind it. So i see two solutions:
> > a. I implement a activity that shows the view at 3 as the first
> > activity that appears when the application is launched. Problem: it
> > will stay "frozen" for up to one second while the computation takes
> > place. I don't want that because it makes the application feel
> > unresponsive. Can i make the view invisible once it is done gathering
> > data?
> > b. I implement an invisible activity that launches another activity
> > that implements the view at 3, and this second activity returns data
> > to the first, that performs the computation and then launches other
> > activities based on the result.
> > In both cases i need to make a view invisible. I have tried various
> > methods of doing that and none worked.
> > Can anyone help?
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