There is no real support for C code within Android at this time.  If
you have a very complicated algorithm I would suggest one of two

1: Since Android is supposed to be the new generation of internet
connected phones you could do the C work on a server.  This has
advantages and disadvantages.  One of the advantages is you can do
whatever work you want in whatever language you want and just return
it.  A disadvantage is you're reliant on the network access.  In a
biometric application this could be a dealbreaker, but you'll have to
evaluate that on your own.

2: Even complicated algorithms can be easily "translated" to another
programming language.  You can move each line one at a time.  Since C
and Java are similar in a  lot of ways, you shouldn't need much
infrastructure change to do this.  You can also translate the whole
thing into pseudo code.  This, for me, is a good way as once I have
the pseudo code I can write a duplicate of the program in any language
with minimal effort.

Now, obviously, neither of these are ideal, but unfortunately C code
is not supported and hopefully never will be.  Remember the original
palm devices?  They were stuck with an inferior processor for a long
time, as others went to ARM and other chips they were stuck on the
slower chip family they started with.  This was because of the
software that existed out there.  Even once they moved on to newer
chips they had to emulate the old chip.  This is impossible with
Android because OHA/Google can't control what devices will ship with
Android and therefor can't possibly predict what chips will need
emulation.  Instead they've chosen an interpreted language that it's
the OEM's responsibility to get working on their hardware.  Once
they've done that, it will run ALL Android software without any more
mangling.  A distinct advantage, and one that means eventually Android
will have to win, as no other competitor can really match that
feature. (True WinMo can run Java, but not easily and not well.
Besides, we all know how WinMo has done in this whole phone race

On Oct 2, 3:49 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Hello buddies!!
> I'm involved in a biometric project. I need to write an app for
> Android that must use an algorithm writen in C language. This C code
> is very complex and for this reason translating this code into java is
> not an option. The idea is to develop the main application in java
> code and this would "call" to the algorithm somehow, so the algorithm
> could return a value for the main app. I know there are some libs
> writen in C/C++ and I'm wondering if I could do so for my project,
> write my own lib and call it from the main app. But I don't know if it
> is possible, how to do it, how to compile my C code for Android and so
> on.
> To help the algorithm is writen in C and is compiled for Linux.
> Could anyone lead me through the darkness?
> Thanks mates.
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