I have tried everything, including the laughable suggestion of
restarting Eclipse, which of course didn't work.

There is nothing wrong with my manifest file.

The app worked perfectly until I changed it.

Then I changed added a new PNG and changed the name in the main.xml

After that nothing worked because the R,java file was not updated.

Build Automatically is turned on.

using Eclipse Ganymede. Runs every demo Android app perfectly.

I mean, you have got to be kidding me. There is NO WAY to just press a
button, issue a command and regenerate the R.java file?

LOL LOL LOL What a waste of my freaking morning. What a complete and
utter waste of several hours of my time. I am laughing because I am so
pi$$ed off I can't even think of something sarcastic enough to say.

Three months of smooth iPhone development and now I am stuck having to
work with this gimrackety piece of junk.

Ok, now that I've ranted, any solutions?


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