I am having the same problem and this proposed workaround does not


On Oct 22, 10:10 am, Robert Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've had issues with mine as well and what I've ended up doing is
> closing eclipse, deleting the file from the FS, firing up eclipse
> again, re-creating a blankR.java, then importing one resource and it
> magically kicks back in and repopulates the whole thing.
> I think it's a little buggy and they should probably try to iron that
> out.
> On Oct 22, 12:27 pm, misbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have tried everything, including the laughable suggestion of
> > restarting Eclipse, which of course didn't work.
> > There is nothing wrong with my manifest file.
> > The app worked perfectly until I changed it.
> > Then I changed added a new PNG and changed the name in the main.xml
> > file.
> > After that nothing worked because theR,javafile wasnotupdated.
> > Build Automatically is turned on.
> > using Eclipse Ganymede. Runs every demo Android app perfectly.
> > I mean, you have got to be kidding me. There is NO WAY to just press a
> > button, issue a command andregeneratetheR.javafile?
> > LOL LOL LOL What a waste of my freaking morning. What a complete and
> > utter waste of several hours of my time. I am laughing because I am so
> > pi$$ed off I can't even think of something sarcastic enough to say.
> > Three months of smooth iPhone development and now I am stuck having to
> > work with this gimrackety piece of junk.
> > Ok, now that I've ranted, any solutions?
> > M

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