You can set the height and width of the PopupWindow to a non-absolute
value by referencing the anchor view's width and height.

On Jun 10, 5:32 pm, AMGG <> wrote:
> I have exactly the same problem... did you finally found some
> solution?
> Thx
> On May 27, 8:17 pm, Nathan <> wrote:
> > I've experimented with aPopupWindow, but don't have a very good way
> > of controlling its size. It only responds to absolute pixels.
> > I've tried doing this:
> > popup.setWindowLayoutMode(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTE 
> > NT);
> > But it doesn't work. If I don't use setWidth() and setHeight(), it
> > doesn't show up at all, presumably becausewidthand height are zero.
> > If I do setWidthand Height, it will use those exact numbers. It
> > won't size to the size of the contentView.
> > Therefore, I am stuck with setting thewidthand height as absolute
> > pixels, not even adjusted to resolution.
> > This is using:
> >                 popup.showAtLocation(view,Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT, 
> > cornerx,
> > cornery);
> > I see different, but also incorrect behavior when using
> >                 popup.showAsDropDown();
> > It actually did seem to scale properly in the vertical direction, but
> > took up the entire screen in the horizontal direction.
> > I can't exactly base the size on the contentView's size because this
> > the contentView size is zero until it has been shown at least once.
> > Can anyone who has used PopupWindows give me some hints on it's
> > sizing? Google Maps seems to use them fine on my G1, but I don't know
> > how they are controlling the size.
> > Nathan- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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