It's a little hard to figure out what the initial report is describing here,
but I suspect it's this:

The test response settings in the Market publisher console only affect users
who are (a) the developer who owns the publisher account, or (b) listed as
test accounts.

Normal users are unaffected by the "test response" setting. This is so that
you can test your account without disturbing users who have already
purchased your application.

So, if your "dummy" account purchased the application, they should always be
getting LICENSED -- because they purchased the application. (Likewise, if
you sideload an application onto phone that's using a dummy account that
hasn't ever purchased the application, they'll get NOT_LICENSED.)

There's also one exception to this: free apps. While we won't allow
uploading a free APK that uses the CHECK_LICENSE permission to the Market
publisher console, *requests* for these applications currently will always
return LICENSED. However, since (again) you can't upload these APKs, this
isn't something that should happen often.

Trevor Johns

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 1:30 AM, ojpdev <> wrote:

> I'm getting the same problem. It works on two phones (Nexus One and
> HTC Hero). Fails on a HTC Legend. Not sure whether that's important or
> not!
> I don't understand how it can say it's licensed.
> On Aug 1, 11:46 am, sblantipodi <> wrote:
> > I opened a similar thread recently but I doesn't let me enter any new
> > post on it so I opened a new one.
> >
> > I'm having problem with LVL, I'm using the
> > from the LVL sample.
> >
> > When I call the check() method from LVL it always returns LICENSED.
> > The strange things is that with my developer account it works well, I
> > got licensed, unlicensed etc
> > on the base of what I set on the developer console.
> > With dummy email settings I got always LICENSED.
> >
> > It's strange, It always return LICENSED also if I log into different
> > GMAIL account
> > into the "account and sync" in the emulator.
> > - I deleted AVD,
> > - recreated a new one,
> > - logged into the emulator with a gmail account with no rights,
> > - setted NOT LICENSED form my developer console,
> > - installed the software on the new avd.
> >
> > In this way, If I login the emulator with the developer account it
> > works well,
> > if I login with an anonimous email address it always return LICENSED.
> >
> > Is this a bug? I have no idea on how to go forward.
> --
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