Thank you all for advices.  I solved my problem and a new one.

Thank you Alex for advice, i knew about localization in android, but it is not 
what i need. In my application flag image and some text have to change 
depending on the country choosen not the locale set on the platform.

I found how to set text for textView's based on a custom configuration, maybe 
it helps you.
I used something like this:
TextView   countryName=(TextView)findViewById(;

countryName.setText(getResources().getIdentifier("country_"+"uk", "string" 
,getPackageName() ));

and i have saved in values/strings.xml

    <string name="country_uk">United Kingdom</string>
    <string name="country_ro">Romania</string>
     <string name="country_us">United States</string>
     <string name="country_de">Deutschland</string>

If anybody has a better solution, are welcome to post it.
Good luck,

--- On Wed, 8/25/10, Alex <> wrote:

From: Alex <>
Subject: [android-developers] Re: How can i set background image for an 
ImageView dynamically???
To: "Android Developers" <>
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 9:16 AM

Read about resource qualifiers in the Android Dev Guide:

I have a releated problem.  I would like to choose resources based on
a custom configuration, but there doesn't seem to be a way to use the
built-in resource qualifiers for this.

On Aug 25, 10:01 am, Lidy <> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I have the following question.
> I need to use's dinamicaly, depending on the country
> choosen, more precisely,depending on a "country" variable.
> For example, my screen contains a country flag. If the Deutschaland is
> the choosen country, i have to display  something like this:
>     ImageView  flag;
>     flag=(ImageView)findViewById(;
>     flag.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.flag_de);
>   Inside android application, in "res/drawable-hdpi"  i have saved all
> needed flags with the following names: flag_de.jpg,  flag_uk.jpg,
> flag_ro.jpg  and so on.
> How can i set background image for this "flag" value dynamically?????
> If i use the following  way, there are too mush code:
> if (country.equals("DE") {
>               flag.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.flag_de);} else if 
> (country.equals("UK")) {
>               flag.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.flag_uk);} else if 
> (country.equals("RO")) {
>             flag.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.flag_ro);
> }
> I want to create somehow "R.drawable.flag" by appending the country
> extension "de" .
> String countryFlag="flag_"+mySource.countryExtension ;     //something
> like flag_DE
> countryFlag=countryFlag.toLowerCase();                              //
> =flag_de
> flag.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.countryFlag);       // of
> course, it's not working
> Could anyone give me a suggestion please ?
> Thank you
> Lidy

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