Actually, you are correct. Many of the permissions don't show to the user. It's been awhile since I installed the app from the internet, but I do have it installed as a draft in the market, so I was using the market stats (silly me... ).

This apk requests 13 permissions that users will be warned about

So... obviously, we should be asking the market to be updated to show what the user will actually be asked for... (I know... but I can dream).

The permissions shown to the user are (the version I have compiled with a production key didn't have the C2DM stuff in it, so I'll have to recompile it and see what C2DM does show to the user).
    Network Communications
    Your Location
Phone Calls (won't show anymore because I've removed it in the latest version) Services that cost you money (also shouldn't show anymore because I call the SMS with an intent now)
    Storage (I'm going to see if I can get rid of that today)
Your personal information (that should also be dropped with the latest version, but it does remove a very handy feature)
    Hardware Controls

That is not as bad as I was thinking because I will be able to get rid of 3 of those, but at the expense of either removing features, or making them less seamless. For instance, both the phone calls and SMS will now use an intent which means that it's an extra screen and button click for the user, which for me makes it look clunky (hopefully the average user won't notice too much).

I still want an "ask the user" optional permission for the read contacts because even though my app will drop using them for now, it would be a very handy feature for them. Just so you know, my app is about connecting with friends, and being able to access their friends email addresses one time would save the users a lot of typing and setup later. But, it's just not worth it to have to declare it in my app as if I will be ALWAYS accessing them, and THAT does remove a very handy feature, that I would keep if I could just ask the user the one or two times they would actually use it. It's actually a HUGE issue for me because not keeping it means that many users may not find my app all that useful because they won't get it setup to find their friends easily, while keeping it means that many users will never install it. Damned if I do... Damned if I don't... and right now there is no good answer.


Brad Gies
Bistro Bot - Bistro Blurb

Everything in moderation, including abstinence

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