2010/9/7 Gabriel Simões <gsim...@gmail.com>:
> If I´m not wrong I can´t inflate a layout on an alertdialog, right?

Sure you can.

> On this Layout I have more than a ListView (buttons and TextViews) so
> to use an AlertDialog probably is not the best solution for me right
> now.

That probably should not be a dialog. Use an activity.

> About the context, I didn´t get it. I thought that when I created a
> dialog I should pass to it the context of the activity that created
> it, am I wrong?

The Activity *is* a Context. Never call getApplicationContext().

> If I don´t decide to use an alertdialog, is there a way to make it
> work using a "pure" dialog?

Use an activity. Give it Theme.Dialog if you want it to look like a dialog.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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