On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 2:30 AM, Federico Paolinelli <fedep...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What I need to know (and probably I wasn't so clear) is:
> Will the locationmanager fire the pending intents even if the caller
> of requestLocationUpdate was killed?

AFAIK, it should, as that is typically how the PendingIntent-based
methods work elsewhere in Android.

> In this way I would use the resources only after the event I am
> interested to (the change of the location) and could prevent me to
> keep a service always running with an active location listener.

Bear in mind that the battery cost of the GPS radio being on will
swamp any other battery costs. If you use this, set up a nice long
minimum time between updates, and hope the device shuts down the GPS
radio periodically. I have not tried the PendingIntent version of
requestLocationUpdates(), and so I do not know if it keeps the radio
on all the time (like the listener version of
requestLocationUpdates()) or not.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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