That is a stack trace, after the SIGSEGV (Signal, Segment Violation)
message, below where is says "stack:". Do an 'objdump -x' on the .so (/
system/lib/egl/, and start matching up the addresses with code. It
should lead you to the specific routine that the code crashed in. The
first few lines after SIGSEGV are a register dump, so you can tell
what was happening when the crash occurred. Looks like "r2" (Register
2) was the one that was used in the reference that violated memory
protection. You can disassemble the code around the routine at the top
of the stack, near the address of the fault, and find the code that
did it. You can add options to the compile of the .so to produce
assembly source code that retains the associated C code in comments.
Once you're up into the C code, you can probably pretty well determine
what went wrong. Perhaps an out-of-bounds value was passed into an
OpenGL function. Perhaps more memory was needed in a buffer that had
little, and OpenGL ran off the end.

I think there may even be scripts out there which will take the binary
addresses shown in this stack dump and will find names for the
routines, by automating part of what I described above.

Also, if you can park the application, attach strace to it, and then
unpark it and cause it to produce the bug, the strace output will show
a chronological trace of the system calls that led up to the crash.

On Sep 20, 12:42 pm, Leigh McRae <>
> My game is crashing on the HTC Hero and I have managed to get a user
> to send me their log.  I don't see a Java stack trace at all.  It
> looks like it's crashing in the OpenGL driver.  I was wondering how I
> could go about trying to determine the problem.  I was thinking of
> adding that acra project that sends crash reports to a server but I am
> thinking it will just send the same that is in this log.   I have
> error checking everywhere so I am really at a lose where to go from
> here.  I even went out and bought a HTC Hero but Canada only has 1.5
> for the OS.
> 09-19 09:09:40.957 I/DEBUG ( 53): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
> *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
> 09-19 09:09:40.957 I/DEBUG ( 53): Build fingerprint: 'sprint/htc_heroc/
> heroc/heroc:2.1-update1/ERE27/169236:user/release-keys'
> 09-19 09:09:40.957 I/DEBUG ( 53): pid: 5999, tid: 6009 >>>
> com.lonedwarfgames.tanks.androidpaid <<<
> 09-19 09:09:40.957 I/DEBUG ( 53): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr
> 0089e268
> 09-19 09:09:40.957 I/DEBUG ( 53): r0 00387ab4 r1 00387ab0 r2 0089e268
> r3 000003ff
> 09-19 09:09:40.957 I/DEBUG ( 53): r4 00000005 r5 0089e268 r6 009705b0
> r7 00387ab0
> 09-19 09:09:40.957 I/DEBUG ( 53): r8 00382128 r9 00382c24 10 004554c0
> fp 00162480
> 09-19 09:09:40.957 I/DEBUG ( 53): ip 00000000 sp 462f8ce4 lr 8052b6a8
> pc 8053ec30 cpsr 20000010
> 09-19 09:09:43.007 I/DEBUG ( 53): #00 pc 0003ec30 /system/lib/egl/
> 09-19 09:09:43.007 I/DEBUG ( 53): #01 lr 8052b6a8 /system/lib/egl/
> 09-19 09:09:43.007 I/DEBUG ( 53):
> 09-19 09:09:43.007 I/DEBUG ( 53): code around pc:
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 8053ec20 e0225492 e08cc144 e59041b4
> e2810004
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 8053ec30 e5925000 e2444003 e4815008
> e5925004
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 8053ec40 e5805000 e5b25008 e2810004
> e2822004
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53):
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): code around lr:
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 8052b698 e1a03004 e1a01007 e1a00009
> e12fff3c
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 8052b6a8 e599a024 e59d0008 e3100008
> e087b10a
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 8052b6b8 0a00000a e3a03000 e58d3000
> e599c080
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53):
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): stack:
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8ca4 00383128 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8ca8 00000000
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cac 00000000
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cb0 00382528 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cb4 8053bfc0 /system/lib/egl/
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cb8 00000080
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cbc 00383128 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cc0 00382c24 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cc4 00382128 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cc8 00383128 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8ccc 8052afe0 /system/lib/egl/
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cd0 00004224
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cd4 00383128 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cd8 df002777
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cdc e3a070ad
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8ce0 00382128 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): #00 462f8ce4 00000400
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8ce8 004554c0 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cec 009705b0
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cf0 00382528 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cf4 00000000
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cf8 00000008
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8cfc 00000000
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d00 00000006
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d04 001dbfa0 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d08 00382128 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d0c 00383128 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d10 00382528 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.017 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d14 004554c0 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.027 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d18 00162480 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.027 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d1c 8051fa14 /system/lib/egl/
> 09-19 09:09:43.027 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d20 001dbfa0 [heap]
> 09-19 09:09:43.027 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d24 00000000
> 09-19 09:09:43.027 I/DEBUG ( 53): 462f8d28 00148aa8 [heap]

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