This is not about the hanging/freezing of your UI, but not using a
listview for your articles may pose another problem. If you have a lot
of articles to show, the number of children (i.e. TableRows) may
become too large and you'll get UI problems (UI too 'wide').

ListView get around this problem because they re-use the list-item
views (by calling the list-adapter's getView(...) method and allowing
to re-use a contentVie (list-item view)).

On Nov 16, 8:41 am, umakantpatil <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have to draw list of 30 articles. I tired using list view but there
> was some problem as I wanted to user alternate colors like first is
> white and 2nd is blue where as again 3rd is white and 4th is blue and
> it goes on..
> So I decided to have scrollview and table into it.
> I set the view using setcontentview which shows loading dialog.
> then in aysnc task's "doInBackground" method i fetch all articles into
> the object and then in "onPostExecute"
> I run a for loop on the object and in each loop i make table row
> insert article and then insert row into table.
> and then dismiss loading dialog box.
> As i have tabular view in my app and If i remove loading dialog box.
> While the UI is rendered if someone clicks on other tab. UI is hanged
> up,
> After loading all table rows It goes to other tab.
> Can some one help me with this ? Even after using asynctask why this
> happens ?

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