Do you really need to do it with an intent.... Can't you just put a blank page in your app, and have it load that, or put a blank page on your website? Or am I missing something in what you are asking for?


Brad Gies
Bistro Bot - Bistro Blurb  
Everything in moderation, including abstinence (paraphrased)

Every person is born with a brain... Those who use it well are the successful 
happy ones - Brad Gies

Adversity can make or break you... It's your choice... Choose wisely - Brad Gies

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can
change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has - Margaret Mead

On 19/11/2010 5:03 PM, jotobjects wrote:
Thanks for that idea - yeah not exactly what I want but its another

URL "about:blank" brings up the browser with "about:blank" in the
input window

Scheme "http" with no URL brings up Google web search page with http:
in the input window.

Both of them look a little weird...

I don't think my idea of a query for "http" type and CATEGORY_LAUNCHER
will work either because the broswer launch intent filter does not
have http as a type.

So maybe there is no good way to do it. Is there anything else to try?

On Nov 19, 3:14 pm, Stephen Jungels<>  wrote:
Have you tried using a standard intent to open the browser with the
URL "about:blank" ?

Maybe not exactly what you want, but simple and likely to work everywhere.

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 5:51 PM, jotobjects<>  wrote:
Thanks -
I don't have a URL to launch and I don't want to land on the google
web search page.  The behavior I want is what happens when the user
launches the browser from the Home screen.
So maybe I should doing a PackageManager.queryIntentActivityOptions
for an Intent with CATEGORY_LAUNCHER and URI scheme "http".  and then
use the ResolveInfo to start the Activity.  Does that sound right?
                String packageName = resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName;
                String activityName =;
                Intent intent = new Intent();
                intent.setComponent( new ComponentName( packageName,
activityName ) );
There are a couple of more followup questions inline below -
On Nov 18, 5:46 pm, Dianne Hackborn<>  wrote:
That Intent is okay, though there is no need for BROWSABLE.  (As per the
documentation, BROWSABLE means that the Intent came from an untrusted source
so you want to restrict who will handle it to those that say they will
protect themselves from such things.)
That surprises me because I interpreted the javdoc for Intent to say
that if you include a Category you must include ALL the categories
listed for that Intent. So if BROWSABLE is a category you would have
to include it - is that right?
I'm not sure what you mean by "empty URI" -- it says "empty string", which
would just be a Uri created from an empty string.
The referenced documentation about WEB_SEARCH caused me to try this
intent -
new Intent(Intent.ACTION_WEB_SEARCH, Uri.parse(""));
but that results in this error -
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle
Intent { act=android.intent.action.WEB_SEARCH dat= }
So I'm not sure what the documentation means here.  What should I be
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 5:05 PM, jotobjects<>  wrote:
Thanks - I was afraid of that (although it is not quite blind luck).
The user's home page would be an obvious target, but there doesn't
seem to be a non blind luck way to find the home web page.  The
browser seems to bring up the last page visited which is OK since that
will be customary behavior for the user.
I also tried this, which works but lands the user on
web page with  "http" in the input window.  Is this a valid Intent?
Intent webIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.fromParts("http",
"", null));
Also I do not understand this documentation for how to bring up the
web browser  -

The WEB_SEARCH action mentioned there with an "empty" URI sounds like
what I want, but I can't figure out how to create an "empty URI" that
On Nov 18, 2:52 pm, Dianne Hackborn<>  wrote:
That is a bogus Intent; it is just blind luck that it happens to only run
into the browser as something that happens to match it, and you can't
on that doing what you want anywhere else.
I don't believe there is a generic action to start "the browser;" you are
supposed to start it by asking it to view a URI.
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:39 PM, jotobjects<>
I want to invoke the internet browser app without giving it a URL to
open.  I have tried a couple of things.  What seems to work is this -
   Intent webIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
Is there another or better Intent to use?  Is it good practice to use
the Launcher Intent for an app in this way?
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Dianne Hackborn
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