Thanks for your response - I think this could be enlightening

However, a few questions...

On Nov 29, 7:30 pm, "A. Elk" <> wrote:
> Can I get clarification here? Does your application call finish() at
> some point? If so, at what point?
> The Android design guidelines strongly discourage the use of an "exit"
> button. You should see that most apps don't have one. The way to
> "exit" an application is to switch to another one (including a phone
> call) or go to the Launcher/Home. Whenever you switch, the onPause()
> method for the foreground Activity of your app should be called.
> Whenever you switch back, the onResume() method should be called.

Can you please point me at the guidelines you are referring to?

I have seen many references to the finish() method, but nothing
discouraging its use. In the API it states...

"void finish() - Call this when your activity is done and should be

In my scenario, the user rejects the Terms & Conditions in a dialog -
and this seems the ideal thing to do, No?

> I acknowledge that sometimes you may want to start a child *Activity*
> and then kill it when you're done with it. To do this, use
> finishActivity() with a result code. You may also want to start a
> service when your app starts, but give the user the option to stop the
> service if it's not being used. That's OK too, but you shouldn't shut
> down the app itself.
> In short, the Android model is that you leave the application paused,
> and let Android destroy it to free up resources. If Android does this,
> it should always call the onPause() method of any Activities that are
> still running.
> Can you describe your test harness in more detail? To unit test an
> Activity, you shouldn't need anything more than
> InstrumentationTestRunner and ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2. This
> is documented under "Testing and Instrumentation" in the Android 2.2
> Developer's Guide.

I am using the ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 as you suggest and
calling getActivity() to start the Activity. I then do
button.performClick() which causes 'finish()'. I am hoping to reliably
test that the Activity has paused, stopped or whatever happens.

I have refactored and now have a unit test which (via a state
variable) does work, but not reliably - this may be another story :-)

Ian Hunter

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