Hello , Now I had place the code that loads data from the database in
a function and called that function when user hit the delete button .
But now record gets deleted, but changes are not visible properly.
(Properly means suppose there are 2 records and if I delete one record
then at this time it shows me 3 records i.e 2 earlier and one after
removing one record out of that 2 But actually one record gets
successfully deleted. When I restarts the application and see the
record then only one record it shows.)  Then how to refresh this list
view screen?

On Dec 8, 4:47 pm, Kostya Vasilyev <kmans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Also, don't do this:
> startActivity(getIntent());
> This launches a new activity just like the current one.
> If you need to keep the current activity and update the UI with new
> data, just put that code in a function and call it when necessary.
> -- Kostya
> 08.12.2010 14:31, pramod.deore пишет:
> > Thanks Kostya for your suggestion and link.
> > On Dec 8, 4:27 pm, Kostya Vasilyev<kmans...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> >> Pramod,
> >> Move the code that loads data from the database from onCreate to onStart.
> >> See this for an explanation:
> >>http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/fundamentals.html#actlife
> >> ( scroll down to see a very useful flowchart )
> >> -- Kostya
> >> 08.12.2010 14:08, pramod.deore пишет:
> >>> Hi everybody,
> >>>               In my application I am displaying list. I have created
> >>> ContextMenu. In that there are options like add,remove,back,etc...
> >>>               Now when I select Remove option then  I call method
> >>> deleteRecord(), which  delete that list record from database. After
> >>> that I call method - startActivity(getIntent());  Because of this
> >>> method activity restarts and list changes are instantly visible to
> >>> user because in start method I had write code that display the list
> >>> like.
> >>> public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
> >>>       {
> >>>           super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
> >>>           try
> >>>           {
> >>>             sampleDB =  this.openOrCreateDatabase(SAMPLE_DBNAME,
> >>> MODE_PRIVATE, null);
> >>>             Cursor c = sampleDB.rawQuery ("SELECT RoomName,
> >>> SwitchFullName FROM SwitchTable ORDER BY RoomName",null);
> >>>             int count = c.getCount();
> >>>             System.out.println ("Total number of records are"+count);
> >>>             if (c != null )
> >>>             {
> >>>                     if  (c.moveToFirst())
> >>>                     {
> >>>                             do
> >>>                             {
> >>>                                     roomName = 
> >>> c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("RoomName"));
> >>>                                     switchName =
> >>> c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("SwitchFullName"));
> >>>                                     System.out.println 
> >>> (roomName+":"+switchName);
> >>>                                     results.add(roomName+"-"+switchName);
> >>>                             }
> >>>                             while (c.moveToNext());
> >>>                             c.close();
> >>>                     }
> >>>             }
> >>>             this.setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
> >>> android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,results));
> >>>           }
> >>>           catch (SQLiteException se )
> >>>           {
> >>>             Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Could not create or Open
> >>> the database");
> >>>           }
> >>>           finally
> >>>           {
> >>>                     //sampleDB.close();
> >>>           }
> >>>           registerForContextMenu(getListView());
> >>>       }
> >>> Now suppose I have list like this
> >>> Hall - Fan
> >>> Kitchen - AC
> >>> Bedroom - tv
> >>> and suppose I delete record no 1 then list display as following
> >>> Kitchen - AC
> >>> Bedroom - tv
> >>> It looks perfectly well. But suppose I press the back button then
> >>> list is again display as
> >>> Hall - Fan
> >>> Kitchen - AC
> >>> Bedroom - tv
> >>> Actually first record is deleted succesfully, but though also it is
> >>> displayed when I press back button. How to avoid this problem?
> >> --
> >> Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 
> >> --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com
> --
> Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 
> --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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