This gets weirder every minute.

Just out of curiosity I just called setIntent(null) in onPause() to
make sure the Intent the Activity was started with is always reset. As
soon as I start the Activity again though, getIntent() will AGAIN
return the Intent I supposedly set to null before...... this Intent it
returns even exists across re-deployments of the whole application
(not across emulator reboots tho)!

Am I the only one having these problems? ^^ This whole thing looks
completely broken to me. None of the functionalities I used exposed
the behavior that was documented.

On 20 Nov., 17:03, Matthias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think this may be a bug in Android. I also tried following the
> instructions from the docs under section "Launch Modes and Launch
> Flags" with no success. That section suggested to declare any Activity
> launched from NotificationManager to set the taskAffinitity to "" and
> finishOnTaskLaunch to true, so that the Activity does a clean start
> everytime it is called.
> Even though the Activity is completely restarted now (onStart() is
> called), getIntent() always yields the same intent, the one it was
> started with for the very first time...
> On 20 Nov., 14:17, Matthias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have the following problem: When posting a new Notification, I pass
> > along a PendingIntent used to fire up an Activity that shows details
> > about this Notification. These details are passed as a Serializable
> > Extra.
> > However, the Intent holding the Extra is only updated once, when the
> > Activity was started for the first time. If a new Notification arrives
> > however, although I instantiate a new Intent, neither getIntent() nor
> > onNewIntent() of said Activity deliver this new intent, instead they
> > always deliver the Intent that was active when the Activity was
> > started for the first time.
> > I tried combining many of the flags that can be passed to Intents and
> > PendingIntents (in particular FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP which is said
> > to do exactly what I need, namely calling onNewIntent() with the new
> > intent, but that's not the case), but no luck.
> > So, how can I update my Activity with the Intent used to fire it,
> > whenever the Activity is already running?
> > Thanks,
> > Matthias
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