Could you tell me how do you enabled SMX (SmartMX) and set the
cardemulation mode? So far, I was able to read and write tags with the
Nexus S.



On 8 ene, 16:30, nemik <> wrote:
> I was able to enable a secure element the other day by messing around
> with this external/libnfc-nxp library. I enabled SMX (SmartMX) in the
> config headers, and upon booting and monitoring `adb logcat` during
> boot I saw 1 secure elements (a SmartMX one) had been enabled. I was
> then able to change the mode in to cardemulation
> mode.
> The Nexus S is now emulating a MiFare Classic 4k card. However, I am
> not able to read sectors from the card directly. I've been trying to
> use the micmd tool to do that but things act pretty strangely. For
> example, I tried to read block 0 and micmd tells me "Could not read
> the data block! Tag halted, reconnecting..." but what's even stranger
> is that at that point, 'adb logcat' shuts itself off. As if that read
> command somehow interfered with USB or logging?
> However trying `a` commands to authenticate in micmd always works for
> some reason and it'll even pretent to write and persist data to
> blocks; but of course that data never actually gets persisted to the
> emulated card. Maybe this is a bug in micmd?
> Does anyone know if the Nexus S hardware (or its PN544NFCchipset)
> even contains a hardware secure element like SmartMX? I tried also
> enabling UICC but that didn't seem to work at all andNFCservice
> wouldn't even start in that case. Plus my SIM card is MANY years old
> and not sure it'd even work...
> Either way, I used's `nfc-mfclassic` tool to dump out the
> contents of that emulated 4k card. It is here:
> Seems to be entirely blank which is why I'm wondering if these aren't
> some default values it would spit out anyway even if no SmartMX module
> existed?
> If anyone has any more insights into this, I'd be very happy to hear
> them.
> -Nemanja
> On Dec 19 2010, 7:26 pm, nemik <> wrote:
> > Dominik,
> > Yea, that's right. All it does currently is read; at least via the
> > Java API. If you look at the kernel source though, a bunch of ifdefs
> > which allow foremulationwere all disabled. So full compliance with
> > theNFCstandard will have to wait for a future kernel release.
> > On Dec 7, 5:42 am, Gruntz Dominik <> wrote:
> > > Hi everyone,
> > > Do I see it right, that the Android 2.3NFCAPI does not provide 
> > > functionality to access a secure element? A secure element is a smartcard 
> > > connected to theNFCcontroller, i.e. a secure storage in the device, 
> > > either embedded in the mobile phone, on the SIM card or on a SD card.
> > > With JavaME access to the secure element was provided with JSR177 which 
> > > supported the communication with smart card applications usind APDU 
> > > commands. I have not seen comparable functionality in package android.nfc.
> > > Thanks for any hints
> > > Dominik- Ocultar texto de la cita -
> - Mostrar texto de la cita -

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