Thanks for the link. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the query.
3.614 lines of code are really hard to understand. Could you
assist me?

On 16 Jan., 08:05, Zsolt Vasvari <> wrote:
> Hi, the source code to the Contacts app is available here:
> As Dmitri mentioned it, if you see the desired list in the Contacts
> app, dig into the source and find out what query it is issuing the
> ContactsProvider.  And then you can issue the same query and get the
> same result.
> On Jan 12, 5:13 am, L0rdAli3n <> wrote:
> > Hi Community,
> > I'm working on an app right now, which should handle the users
> > contacts. But I have a basic problem: When I grab a list of all
> > contacts from the ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI I expect to
> > get a list of all aggregated/merged contacts.
> > For example the list should contain a contact "John, Doe". Which also
> > has a facebook contact an a twitter contact joined in this one "John,
> > Doe". But on the list of contacts grabbed from
> > ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI I exptect only "John, Doe".
> > My problem is that when I do grab a list of contacts from
> > ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI I have a listitem for every
> > single contact, so instead of one single item "John, Doe" I have
> > three:
> >  - John, Doe (gmail)
> >  - Doe John (facebook)
> >  - Johnny (twitter)
> > Why is that so and is there any way to get the list of aggegrated
> > contacts?

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