I'm seeing this happen when I unplug some hardware headsets that have

On Jan 17, 9:36 am, James <jrs8...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I have some hardware that sends the AVRCP play command to the phone
> upon bluetooth connection. What I am seeing is the MEDIA_BUTTON action
> intent spammed over and over in the debugger. This is causing problems
> with a few apps but mainly Pandora. Pandora will constantly play/pause
> over and over. It is almost like the AVRCP command gets sent to the
> phone which generates a MEDIA_BUTTON broadcast that keeps getting sent
> out over and over.
> I set up a Broadcast Receiver to catch it and try to determine what's
> going on. Here is what is being spammed:
> 01-17 12:20:04.324: ERROR/NPT:(1558): Intent
> { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON (has extras) }
> 01-17 12:20:04.324: ERROR/NPT:(1558): KeyEvent{action=0 code=85
> repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=200 mFlags=8}
> which is the bluetooth Play/Pause media key. This is what it should
> be, as the AVRCP command triggers this, but as I said, it's like the
> OS just keeps spamming this.
> I have tried using the abortBroadcast() method to stop it but that has
> no effect. I am guessing the broadcast is non-ordered and can't be
> stopped explicitly?
> I have verified it is not the hardware spamming the AVRCP command by
> debugging my firmware code. The spamming behavior also continues if I
> unplug the hardware.
> I am using 2.2.
> Thanks.

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