
I think Tre and others are basically scratching their head wondering how you
got such an assignment yet are not able to figure out anything for your
self. There are books you can buy, including Mark Murphy's who provides 3
books for a very fair price and frequents this forum all the time. He
explains in there how you upload/update your app. As well, google is by far
the best resource you got if you're not going to buy a book to learn from.
Google has provided a ton of documentation on android as well. I don't think
anyone minds helping, but you are asking questions in a manner that makes it
sound like you want someone in the forum to do all your work. Dig in my man.
It's fun, may take a little time, but it is a lot of fun to figure out,
learn about and see results. If you're in a position that you have to update
an existing app, surely you must have gotten into that position because it
was assumed you could write java code, compile/deploy/run it, so get to it.
Read for a few days, experiment. You'll figure it out.

Good luck.

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 3:20 AM, Marcin Orlowski <>wrote:

> On 7 February 2011 12:06, subhashini alaguchokku
> <> wrote:
> > I have not uploaded an app to Android market yet. But am in a
> circumstance
> > that requires me to upload a version(2) of the existing app.
> adjust versionCode in your app's manifest file to "2" and versionName
> to "2.0" and you are done.
> > We have done >Export unsigned app>> after that have no idea how to
> proceed >> We have done signing using debug mode but for Release have no
> idea.
> Ue RMB (over project name) -> Android Tools -> Export signed application
> package
> --
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