Could you write the XML file yourself, just with "print" type statements?

Not as convenient as using a serializer, and probably not as pretty (indents, attributes and stuff), but if it's meant as input for another program, it probably doesn't have to be perfect, right?

-- Kostya

13.02.2011 23:22, Sky пишет:
Yes, this is exactly what I want to do. Write old plain XML without
The question is how I get it to work on Andorid 2.3?

On 13 Feb., 21:04, Streets Of Boston<>  wrote:
I think it was mainly meant for XML documents that don't use namespaces at
all, since there is no startTag(String elementName) method.

And i think you can leave it null if it implicitly takes on the namespace of
its parent-element.

Whether the acceptance of null for this parameter is OK or not, if it's not
working in 2.3.3 but working as documented in 2.2 and earlier, it is a

Kostya Vasilyev --

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