Hello, fellow Android devs!

I'm sure many of you, like myself, have been fed up with Google
because of their
lackluster support for the Android market.
In response, I am forming a Union of Android Developers. The demands
are laid out here: http://www.andevuni.org/
This is the statement of intent:

   We, the members and supporters of the Android Developers Union,
are fed up with the conditions of the Android Market. We are tired of
being treated like sharecroppers on Google's digital plantation! We
have compiled a list of seven demands which Google can implement to
improve the Market. Implementing these demands will absolutely improve
the working conditions for Android developers, thereby improving the
Android ecosystem and giving a better experience to our customers.
   If our demands are not met, we will move our applications to
alternative marketplaces or the web, cease Android development in
favor of other more open platforms, we will dissuade other developers
from developing Android projects, and we will work tirelessly to
counter any of Google's hypocritical claims about Openness in the
  These are our demands! They are simple and they are attainable, so
we hope that Google will do the right thing!

 * Renegotiation of the 32% Google-tax on applications sales
 * Remedy to the Order of Entry Effect
 * Public Bug Tracking
 * Increased Payment Options
 * Codified Rules and a Removal Appeal Process
 * Communication and Engineering Liaison
 * Algorithmic Transparency

Please! Join the mailing list, sign the petition, and make a stink!
We are doing this because we _love Android_ and we want it to thrive,
which it can't
do until we developers and our customers are treated fairly and given
a reasonable
place to sell our wares!

Thanks very much for your attention!.

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