I absolutely love Open Source for the collaborative efforts
available.  I've been working on Exchange support for the default mail
client since it hit Open Source, but hadn't heard much in the way of
others working on it.  Since k9 is a community driven variant, I've
been including my work there so it's available to others.  It's
actually made a lot of progress so far.  You can check out the
"exchange" branch of k9mail (http://k9mail.googlecode.com).  With any
luck within the next couple of days an alpha release with Exchange
WebDAV support will be available.

On Nov 15, 10:41 pm, davin_thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It appears the "Big" hurdle right now... is a bug in
> org.apache.harmonyx, which is completely stalling my progress... I
> cannot seem to find a work-around for a non-root ssl cert.  In the
> meantime, Im setting up a localexchangeserver, that i can disable
> ssl on... so i can get on to the heart of this project =P  at that
> point, whenever the bug in harmonyX gets fixed... it should just work
> =P
> On Nov 13, 11:03 pm, davin_thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Im about to have a look into that one, and see how he got past the
> > hurdle im currently stuck on.  it seems that java.net has NTLM
> > authentication, but has no way to implment propfind and search
> > requests.  org.apache.http is extensable, and i have propfind and
> > search working there, but no NTLM.  Once i get past that hurdle, the
> > rest of it should just be a porting job....
> > On Nov 13, 4:21 am, Timbobsteve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am currently looking @ another OpenSource project called ExchangeIt
> > > (available in the Market). Brian has got the beginnings of a Java WebDAV
> > > connection happening on Android. I am going to review the code and see
> > > where we can go from there. Hopefully, depending on time, Brian will
> > > also come on-board if we get project off the ground.
> > > FYI, source is @http://code.google.com/p/exchangeit
> > > Regards,
> > > Timbobsteve
> > > davin_thompson wrote:
> > > > Unfortunatly... Im not very good with with java... but I'm working on
> > > > it.  However, prepairing for this project, I have written anexchange
> > > > webdav client in php, so I solidly have the concept. Hopefully, in a
> > > > few days, i'll have something working in java (so far.... I've made it
> > > > to a basic http request =P).  Wish me luck, and i'll share my results
> > > > On Oct 17, 11:12 am, Timbobsteve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> Hi Zero,
> > > >> For what it's worth I can supply my time and effort to 
> > > >> anExchangeclient/library. From what I can see most of the opensource 
> > > >> stuff on MAPI is limited toExchange2000. Most other implementations 
> > > >> accessExchangethrough Outlook Web Access (OWA) + WebDAV.
> > > >> I will read up on using WebDAV and then we can look into getting an 
> > > >> Android WebDAV client library in place. I'm not the best programmer, 
> > > >> but everyone starts somewhere right?
> > > >> Cheers.
> > > >> zero wrote:if there would be a group of developers willing to build an 
> > > >> opensource implementation of MAPI for java, i'd be happy to 
> > > >> contribute. but it's way to huge to tackle it alone. at least, for me. 
> > > >> there's propably a few other ways, like webdav, to connect toexchange, 
> > > >> but they differ in stability, and clearly an opensource mapi 
> > > >> implementation would be way more elegant. zero openintents.org 
> > > >> zeroblog.exu-mobile.com On Oct 17, 1:20 pm, Timbobsteve<[EMAIL 
> > > >> PROTECTED]>wrote:Hi All, This isn't another thread asking 
> > > >> ifexchangeserver is supported on Android... so don't worry :P I just 
> > > >> wanted to start a dialog with other developers about how to possibly 
> > > >> tackle the MSExchangesupport issues on Android. I'm not the best coder 
> > > >> in the world, so I can't really provide example code or anything, but 
> > > >> this is more of a discussion-type thread. From what I can tell, my 
> > > >> iPhone uses WebDAV to connect toExchangeto get mail (correct me if I'm 
> > > >> wrong). So I started looking @ opensource implementations of Java 
> > > >> WebDAV clients and came across Apache SLIDE Server and Client. 
> > > >> Unfortunately Slide has been discontinued. There is not that it was 
> > > >> replaced by Apache JackRabbit, but from what I can see JackRabbit is a 
> > > >> Server implementation of WebDAV technologies. I was also searching for 
> > > >> Java MAPI support, but a lot of the MAPI APIs for Java are 
> > > >> closed-source and licensed... which is not good IMHO. What other 
> > > >> options forexchangesupport do people see? Do you think it is a 
> > > >> worthwhile pursuit? Do you think it will happen and will it be a 
> > > >> paid-for product on AndroidMarket, or will someone make an open-source 
> > > >> client? There is a lot of reading to be done on WebDAV and how it 
> > > >> integrates intoExchange... so I am going to start doing some reading. 
> > > >> Feel free to share your ideas and thoughts.- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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