I'm beginning to investigate bringing an application to the tablet form
factor, the idea being the tablet is the primary platform of focus.  I
understand that Fragments are the way we should be developing applications
moving forward to accommodate both phones and tablets, but perhaps my
knowledge of them at this point is minimal.  All I really understand about
them to this point is that we can effectively bring a two Activity scenario
from the phone, into a single view with Fragments on 3.0 tablets.  I'm sure
there's more to it, but like I said, my knowledge isn't there yet.

If I wanted to have an optimized view for tablet users, but maintain the
phone user experience, I've always thought that simply maintaining two views
for each Activity, one for a phone and one for a tablet, would be a good way
to go.  You'd then need to maintain two sets of Activities in your code base
(one for each view, for each Activity), but at least you're simply
implementing functionality from your service layer in those instead of
duplicating everything if you happened to go with two completely different
applications.  That was my initial thought at least.  Does this make sense,
or am I way off in my thinking?

I guess what I'm after is understanding how others have approached this,
assuming we're talking about making an optimized view for tablets but also
having a full version for phones.  While I want to target tablets first and
foremost, it would be nice if phones could run the application as well.  I
really want to optimize for the Xoom and devices that come out to compete
with it.  Being able to maintain some functionality for phones would be
nice, but if I simply excluded them and went "Xoom only", it wouldn't hurt
my feelings -- just my download numbers. :o

Chris Stewart

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