On 04/10/11 01:48, Andrew wrote:
> I am having some difficulty compiling the source code. This post is
> largely posting my problems and solutions that I was unable to find
> anywhere else.
> (I have been following the directions from here:
> http://source.android.com/source/downloading.html)
> Repo seems to be downloading the code without a problem.
> When I run make...
> initially I encountered compiler errors having to do with const char* -
>> char* for several instances of strchar(...) and strrchar(...) being
> invalid. I corrected these errors by casting using
> strchar((char*)...).
> I encountered and error having to do with something not being able to
> find '-lasound'. I reinstalled lib-asound a few times, the correct
> solution was to install the 32-bit library for it.
> Then I encountered and error with a something not being able to find
> the wx/wxprec.h header file. (wx was not on that list of stuff to
> install, however I needed to install libwxbase2.8-dev and then move
> the it from /usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/* to /usr/include/wx/*
> I have attempted to run make using 'make -j4' (my computer has a dual
> core processor), however it gets a few minutes into the compile and
> gives a linking error with a .so file. if I just run 'make' with no
> arguments it passes that point by over an hour, but obviously takes a
> longer time to get there. I was also looking into using distcc to
> spread out the load across another computer or two - but I am not sure
> if there is anything to be gained (it looks like a large portion of
> the work is linking and not actual compiling).
> Addititonally, while I was able to run 'lunch' the first few times, it
> seems to have broken since, and now when I run lunch it says:
> Using lunch master without the GUI.
> No such file: /home/andrew/.lunchrc.
> I have redownloaded the repo and reinstalled lunch with no effect.
Wait you reinstalled lunch? `lunch' is a bash function that is
accessible after sourcing build/envsetup.sh. It is not a program that is
actually 'installed'. The lunch function finds all the device/vendor
configs in the source tree and then allows you to choose one to set as
your product. Once this is done, you can build Android specifically for
that product.

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