About once a day I see something along the lines of the following.  (I
wasn't able to find an example in the Android forum, even though I
know I saw one yesterday or this morning [where the guy had the
audacity to ask for finished code], so this is from a Qt forum.):

Hello Guys...
I want to learn Qt. But I don't have any
idea about C or C++. But I want to
learn Qt.
I want to make a Dictionary. Like
English to other language. Guys help me.
I don't know how to work with slots,
main.cpp etc...
I use nokia qt sdk, qt creator 2.1. Guys,
is it necessary to learn c or c++ for Qt
Help me.

On May 15, 9:41 pm, Spooky <spooky1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 15, 2:17 pm, DanH <danhi...@ieee.org> wrote:
> > If you look around, about half those posting here (and on other forums
> > for other platforms) are kids who have essentially no programmer
> > training but have managed to modify a few example projects to do
> > interesting (to them) things and hence consider themselves to be
> > programmers.  They all believe that they have (or very shortly will
> > have) the next killer app (which is usually a game) and are only
> > months away from striking it rich (if only those curmudgeons on the
> > forums would answer their queries with a few hundred lines of free
> > code rather than cryptic "read the documentation" responses).
> Wow.  I haven't been around here long enough to comment on how
> true or untrue that is, but I will say that if anyone looks at me that
> way, please don't.  Yes, I do have some ideas for niche apps that
> may (or may not) make any money.  Yes, I do learn best by taking
> example code, along with reference material, and learning by
> example and by applying whatever it is that I'm learning.  I DO
> sometimes ask stupid questions, but I'm not looking for someone
> to post a few hundred lines of free code....  A simple pointer to
> the appropriate documentation is every bit as welcome to me.
> If I'm asking the question, it means I looked, but didn't find said
> documentation.  Maybe I looked in the wrong place, maybe I
> searched for the wrong thing, or maybe, given the damage done
> to my sight (that would be the three brain surgeries to remove
> three brain tumors) and to my cognitive abilities (it's commonly
> referred to as "chemobrain").  I used to have a 153+ (the test only
> went to 153, so I don't know what I would have scored had it
> gone to a more reasonable level) IQ.  I haven't been tested
> since my cancer nightmare, so I have no idea where it is now.
> > (The #1 requirement for programming is a love of it that surpasses
> > your love for money and often your love of food and sleep.)
> I can see where that is true in many cases, but do not make the
> assumption that it is universally true; it isn't.  Aside from a
> few classes in college in which I wrote code in 8088
> assembly, and another where I had to deal with Fortran, I
> did quite a bit of C, combined with Lex and Yacc, also
> combined with shell (Bourne shell at the time),  sed, awk,
> etc.  Now, most of what I do (on the PC and Unix side) is
> Tcl/Tk.  If you're curious, take a look at the hurricane
> tracking program I wrote.  It's called JStrack, and is
> online athttp://www.jstrack.org/jstrack/(jstrack.org
> is a site donated by one of my users).  See the brewing
> section for a couple of brewing-related programs.
> Before Tcl/Tk, I did most everything in C, including, at
> my first job out of college (Network Engineer at
> Amoco Corporation's Network Design group), where
> I wrote a network disaster and capacity planning
> simulator for the N.E.T. IDNX multiplexer.  My
> code was based on the actual IDNX routing
> algorithm.  I never saw the actual code---I just
> wrote my own to implement its algorithm.  In
> a test against a professionally-developed system,
> theirs failed to route circuits we had on our
> network, where mine routed them correctly
> (and they WERE working with the actual
> code, where again, I had the specs, but
> not the code, and implemented it in my
> own C code).  It was part of my daily life
> at work, as I was the design engineer for
> the corporate backbone network (ALL
> of Amoco's most critical networks
> rode over my network).
> But the point here, which so far I've missed getting
> to, is that when I code, it's normally to solve some
> problem, or address a specific immediate need for
> which writing code is the best solution.  I don't
> love writing code.  I don't dislike it, either.  It's
> a tool that I use when I need it.
> As for the money side of things, I am a cancer
> survivor living on a monthly Social Security
> Disability deposit.  Even a small amount of
> extra cash would be a huge benefit for me, so
> while I don't expect to strike it rich (though I
> certainly would not complain if I did!), I am
> hoping to make that extra $25 or $50 per month
> that could make a big difference.  Will I get that
> much from anything I write?  Who knows.
> But I'll never know unless I try, right?
> With that, the migraine I had all last week has
> trying to come back all day, and is trying even
> harder now...so I should probably get away from
> this computer ASAP so I can get back to learning
> and coding tomorrow.  :-)
> Later,
>    --jim
> --
> 73 de N5IAL/4
> Web site:  http://www.jstrack.org
> E-mail:  spooky1...@gmail.com
> "Do not look into waveguide with remaining eye."

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