On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Simon Platten
<simonaplat...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Yes the onReceive is certainly being called, which I discovered after adding
> the Toast, but the call:
> wpService.sendWakefulWork( context )
> Doesn't appear to be working after a reboot...

That doesn't make much sense. All that does is grab a WakeLock and
call startService(). The code is less than 200 lines for the whole
WakefulIntentService -- sprinkle it with Log calls or breakpoints or
something and see what's happening.

Two BTW's:

1. I just uploaded a new edition of WakefulIntentService, correcting a
possible memory leak (I was creating the WakeLock using the Context
passed into onReceive() rather than the Application context)

2. For help with WakefulIntentService itself, I recommend the
[cw-android] Google Group, so we don't clutter up this list with
third-party stuff

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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