Also, don't forget that there are alternatives to Google's Android
Market: it costs you very little to put the same app on, and

Now I have to admit, none of these gives you the exposure that
Google's does, but they wey they treat developers is generally more
professional, though I have been surprised at the plausibly
justifiable complaints I have heard about Amazon.

On Jun 14, 3:44 am, Yahel <> wrote:
> Sorry that you only found out now about google's ways of doing things.
> That is true to everything Google and that's the best advice I can
> give you : Never ever rely on one of their ecosystems to be your only
> source of income.
> Actually you can broaden this : Never ever rely on anyone ecosystem to
> be your only source of income.
> But it is especially true for Google : You see, they seem like a huge
> company making billions of dollars in benefice each year so you'd
> think they would have a huge staff helping their users, communicating
> before taking decisions, warning people of services disruption, not
> pushing piles and piles of bugs into the Android Market each and
> everytime they upgrade it since there is a good 10 000 developers
> using it.
> But the truth is : For every project Google launches the team that
> works on it is only of 2-6 people. Only engineers, no designers, no
> graphists, no supervisors, no usability engineer. And with such small
> teams for applications that have tenth of thousands users you can
> easily see how they have no time to treat things case by case.
> So what happened to you is something like this : An engineer found out
> that one malware used permissions XX and a specific access to i/o via
> NDK. So since he has no time for these foolisheries he just pulled all
> the apps that have these specifics in their code.
> - "That's 10 apps and there is one with 6,5 millions downloads and a
> five star rating and no complaints"
> - "Yeah I don't care we don't have time for this, pull the plug !!"
> For what it's worth, with a delay of two weeks I was able to have a
> contact with the Android Market team once on this mail address :
> android-market-support AT
> I really feel your pain and I hope you get it sorted out.
> But be sure to start several other apps for iphone as I did and find
> other revenues that do not depends on someone else framework.
> Good luck.
> Yahel
> On 14 juin, 10:57, "n.a" <> wrote:
> > Hello Guys and Google,
> > I'm the developer of the most popular flashlight application on the
> > Android Market - Tiny Flashlight + LED (over 6.5 million downloads,
> > top 50 in the overall applications ranking).
> > Today I found that Google have deleted my developer account without
> > any notice and removed Tiny Flashlight from the market. I saw the news
> > that Google removed 10 malware apps from the Android Market 
> > (
> > ) and decided to write you.
> > Seems like I've been affected by this and I hope this will be resolved
> > soon, because I have invested a lot in Tiny Flashlight. For the one
> > year since Tiny Flashlight has been released, I've managed to create
> > one of the best android applications on the market. Although a
> > flashlight application seems easy to create, it's actually quite hard
> > on android, because the different hardware vendors have different
> > camera drivers and this requires a lot of workarounds just to start
> > the camera led / flash. This takes a lot of time and investment. In
> > the last 4 months alone I had to buy over 20 different android
> > devices, spend huge amounts of time finding a way to start the led on
> > these devices and making the whole process trouble-free for the user.
> > I've also gone a step further. Tiny Flashlight is one of the few
> > applications, which supports all android versions on the market - 1.5,
> > 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, and 3.1. It's the only flashlight
> > application, which still works on Motorola Quench / i1 / Backflip (all
> > Android 1.5).
> > Tiny Flashlight has become my primary source of income and the
> > investment I've made is huge. Every single line of code has been
> > written by me (except the Admob, Millennial Media, and Flurry SDKs,
> > but I think they are respectable companies and would never allow any
> > malware in their distributed SDKs).
> > I just can not afford to make the tiniest mistake with Tiny
> > Flashlight, because it's one of the top applications on the market and
> > I have over 4 million active users and I've invested my life into
> > this.
> > I’m angry that Google never contacted me. They just deleted the whole
> > account. I hope that they will fix it soon, before I lose my users and
> > ranking position.
> >

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