hello Kris, thanks for answering.
Well ... in my case it makes sense :-( but i don want to go into
functionality details. Fact is that i have a c/c++(STL) application
which makes some computations :-( and i need it to communicate in any
way with a java-androide aplication which will be the UI: one option
is NDK-JNI but if possible, i would like to avoid JNI. I wonder, may i
run my c++(STL) appl concurrently with the java UI and communicate
both of them in order to change some basic information? .. sockets ...
pipes ...  other .. without JNI ?

any way, a NDK-JNI-c++-STL example will be very welcome, if any one of
you guys may share it ..

and, by the way, how can i port (easy) C++/STL to java ???

On Jun 16, 1:51 pm, Kristopher Micinski <krismicin...@gmail.com>
> What application are you trying to migrate?
> Android is different enough, that you will probably be better off rewriting
> the application in the SDK framework.
> The NDK wasn't designed to write whole applications, depending on how large
> your app is it might be better to rewrite the whole thing.  But perhaps
> another solution is to keep what you can, and change what you need.
> In any case, most of the time, dropping a few thousand lines of c++ into a
> mobile environment just doesn't make sense (i.e., the environment is
> different enough that structuring your app different might really be needed,
> and if it's a batch processing app it might not make sense to perform some
> of the operations in a mobile environment...)
> Kris
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:55 AM, hectordu...@yahoo.com <
> hectordu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > hi guys,
> > I would like to migrate a c/c++ (linux fedora 14) application to
> > android 2.2.
> > Because this will be my first migration, i have some questions about
> > the procedure:
> > 1. considering it has some STL stuff, i wonder if it will work. I
> > specially use vector, set, map and algoritms (set_union,
> > set_intersection, set_difference).
> > 2. as i understand i have to write -first- a Java-JNI application
> > which declares and interface my c functions and c++ methods. Those
> > methods willl be included into one (or many) shared libraries ... is
> > it ok ? ... may somebody advise me a good JNI tutorial ? ... i don
> > like the ones i've found :-(
> > 3- once ready, i must use the NDK toolset in order to generate the
> > android application ... hopefully i will works..
> > I am worried because the NDK info says to have a "A Minimal set of
> > headers for C++ support" ... and i wonder if  STL works or not ...
> > but, NDK r5 - android - suposse to also hav support for STLport ...
> > does any body has the hello-jni file modifyied for STL suppport ?
> > NDK Doc also says that "Applications that use native activities must
> > be run on Android 2.3 (API Level 9) or later", but as i understand, i
> > will also needs JNI .. may somebody make some comments about it ?
> > finally, may somebody share me a JNI example in order to pass some STL
> > functions between java and c++ ?
> > comments are wellcome.
> > regards, thanks in advance
> > hector
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