On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 3:16 AM, Appaholics <raghavs...@appaholics.in> wrote:
> No I got it working. The method Mark suggested was fine. Some error in
> R.java cause a resource on my sensor change to be reffered to as the same
> one, calling it again and again. I deleted R.java, had it recreated and now
> it is fine.

If you do command-line builds, I always recommend chaining clean onto
your target list (e.g., ant clean install), unless you have a really
big project and a really slow development machine.

Alas, I don't know the equivalent in Eclipse.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

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