Are you sure you know which code gets executed? I'd add breakpoints/
logging statements to see what's happening... At least a logstatement
on all onStart(), onResume() onXYZ() methods entry points. Maybe then
you get a better idea on what's going on.

On 6 sep, 18:58, MobileVisuals <> wrote:
> Thanks, I added this code to the app, but the problem remains. I don't
> know if I should use suspend and resume on the GUI thread, because the
> documentation says that it could cause deadlocks.Do you know if there
> is some more that I can do to solve this issue?
> protected void onPause() {
>                 super.onPause();
>                 if (!menu2d)
>                         glSurfaceView.onPause();
>                 else
>                         mLunarView.getThread().suspend();
>         }
> protected void onResume() {
>                 super.onResume();
>                 if (!menu2d)
>                         glSurfaceView.onResume();
>                 else
>                         mLunarView.getThread().resume();
>         }
> On Sep 6, 2:43 pm, Daniel Drozdzewski <>
> wrote:
> > On 6 September 2011 13:32, MobileVisuals <> wrote:
> > > My app has a SurfaceView and a GLSurfaceView.  I can switch back and
> > > forth between these. The SurfaceView is the application GUI.
> > > I test switching to another app. I can then switch back to the
> > > GLSurfaceView in my app. I then try to switch back to the
> > > GLSurfaceView,where the application GUI is. Here is where the problem
> > > occurs. A black screen is shown instead of the GUI.
> > > The app still works, because the application menu is shown when the
> > > menu button is pressed. But nothing is drawn on the screen, it is only
> > > black. I have tried almost everything to fix this, I have checked that
> > > the thread is running and that no instance of any object (like the
> > > SurfaceHolder) is null. What could be the reason for this black screen?
> > Do you call GLSurfaceView.resume() from Activity.resume() ?
> > By the same token you should be calling GLSurfaceView.pause() in the
> > right moment of your activity lifecycle.
> > HTH
> > --
> > Daniel Drozdzewski

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