Thank you Steven.. I'm very new to servers, Question because I'm not
sure if i understand. With Fedora core I could use my desktop as my
server(which I'll be using for my database and such), like if i had
fedora installed on a second hard drive or virtual hard drive? without
any other hosting stuff just an internet connection? Or I'm I totally

On Oct 4, 5:22 pm, Studio LFP <> wrote:
> Since you are looking to access the data on multiple devices, I would
> definitely suggest a server of some sort.  I personally use Fedora Core
> (, but there are quite a few options available.
> You could even make sure of Google App Engine
> ( Google has helper code for using it with
> Android, but not sure it would be something that would help you with
> printing.
> Fedora (and most Unix/Linux systems) is a LAMP (Linux,Apache,MySQL,PHP)
> setup. It is pretty much everything you need to host and serve data in just
> about any form you would be comfortable with.
> Android works very well with this type of setup. You can pass XML, JSON or
> custom formed information in a simple HTTP request between the server and
> Android. The server would also give you access to a lot of technology to
> print. I personally use PDFLib ( and really like it.  
> I can build templates in just about anything, import them, put information
> on them and save them as a new PDF.
> If you do choose that type of setup, Fedora (not sure which others) can
> automatically print a PDF just by aiming it at a system printer. A simple
> LPR command on the server sends the PDF to any printer you have configured.
> Any device could print, it wouldn't have to be reserved for the tablets.
> If you don't want to use a server setup, you'll have a lot more of a
> challenge printing and sharing database information. I personally have not
> tried to print using only Android, so I wouldn't be a good source of
> information for that. Maybe someone else that reads these has already worked
> out the type of setup you are looking for.
> Steven
> Studio LFP
> On Tuesday, October 4, 2011 3:33:25 PM UTC-5, Sam wrote:
> > I was planning for everything to run on both a phone and tablet. The
> > phone would be used by field workers to do the documentation and the
> > tablet would be used by another to setup schedules, and among a lot of
> > other things also be used to select a report and have it print. The
> > printing would not be such a big deal if I could just give the tablet
> > user the ability to just hit the button and have a report created.
> > That is the only part I don’t know how to do for my app.
> > Like say the phone user entered all this data about a “patient”, all
> > that data gets put into a database, that database should be able to be
> > accessed from more than one device. For instance have a tablet user
> > select a “specific report” from say a dropdown list then select a
> > “patient” from a dropdown list then hit ok and then in the background
> > have the tablet grab that “specific report” layout and the data from
> > that “patient” and produce a report. It’s hard for me to explain what
> > I want.
> > I just want to make a few report layouts then when a user selects that
> > layout and a “patient” the phone/tablet  grabs the data inputs the
> > data in the right spots of the already made layout then produces a
> > file for the user to email/print/view whatever they want.
> > If I can just get pointed in the right direction I’m glad to do all
> > the reading and practice to learn how to do it.
> > On Oct 1, 8:44 am, Studio LFP <> wrote:
> > > Android, along with most mobile OSes, don't excel at printing quite yet.
> > I'm
> > > seeing movement toward more printing functions, but I doubt we'll see an
> > all
> > > out print manager style functionality any time soon. I guess they might
> > > surprise us with it in the next version, but we'll have to wait and find
> > out
> > > there.
> > > That being said, do you have a support infrastructure planned with your
> > > application? Or are you planning on it being stand-alone on the
> > > phone/tablet?
> > > I ask that because there are a lot of good ways to get files into certain
> > > formats if you have a server planned. Pushing the data to the server and
> > > asking it to format and print would produce significantly better results
> > in
> > > speed and ease of use.
> > > If not, a quick and easy way to get "pretty" formatted output would be a
> > > bitmap backed canvas. You could just toss text, lines and images all over
> > > and save it to a JPG or PNG.  It wouldn't produce the best printing
> > results,
> > > but it would be a start.
> > > Canvas:
> >
> > > Bitmap:
> >
> > > Bitmap Factory:
> >
> > > For nicer printed output, you could also look up the PDF spec and
> > implement
> > > a slimmed down version of it in your code. Also, SVG may be an option as
> > it
> > > is something that more and more browsers are supporting. You could then
> > use
> > > a browser on a desktop to view and print them.
> > > PDF:
> > > SVG:
> > > Hope that helps.
> > > Steven
> > > Studio LFP

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