On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Studio LFP <studio....@gmail.com> wrote:
> 3. Special consideration now has to be taken with AsyncTasks since they are
> linked to the UI and need to be stopped, location of processing saved and
> restarted

False. "Special consideration" may be required but they do not need to
be stopped and restarted.


> 4. Special consideration for threading, but not quite as much as AsyncTasks


If the thread has interaction with the UI, you need to deal with the
thread the same way you deal with the AsyncTask. If the thread has no
interaction with the UI, an equivalent AsyncTask would also not
require any additional work.

> 5. Special consideration needs to be taken for the things saved in the
> bundle so you don't leak the previous context.


There is nothing you can put in a Bundle that can leak a Context. This
is by definition -- a Bundle has to be able to be passed across
process boundaries, and a Context cannot be passed across process

Now, had you written "things returned by
onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()", that *is* an issue.

> With configChanges:
> 1. Layout may need to be changed on rotation
> 2. Other unknown issues

It's not just screen rotations and it's not just layouts. If the user
changes their locale and comes back to your running app, that's a
configuration change. If the user drops their device into a car dock,
that's a configuration change. If the user removes the device from the
car dock, that's a configuration change. And so on.

You also forgot about your options menus and perhaps others. And, not
only do you have to deal with this for each and every resource you are
using today, but also for each and every resource you add in the
future. And for each and every new configuration change that appears
in the future (averaging one new one per Android release).

> With the resources being automatically swapped out by Android, a simple
> refresh on screen elements would pick up a new language if you needed to
> support that.

Not necessarily. Many applications have strings beyond those wired
into a layout resource, which if cached would need to be reloaded.
Options menus are cached if the user opened the menu before. Drawables
get cached. And so on.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
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