On Nov 7, 3:11 pm, Mark Murphy <mmur...@commonsware.com> wrote:
> FYI, hackbod is Dianne Hackborn.

Ah, thought so...

> > "Finally, you may want to set the package of the intent to your app
> > with 
> > this:http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#se...)
> Um, that seems straightforward enough. Call setPackage() with the
> package name of whatever app should contain the recipient of the
> Intent -- no other app's components will be considered.
> > Where exactly is he suggesting that I use this? My link is going to
> > come from an external browser over which I have little control.
> No, but you are in charge of the URL that you are redirecting to.
> Those passages pertain to the use of an intent: URL, generated via a
> call to toUri() on a properly-constructed Intent. You would redirect
> to that URL.

Hmm, I don't get it, I'm missing something obvious :-/

At the moment I have a webview (which is mimicking what may be a stock
browser) which has a link, such as:
webView.loadData("<a href='http://com.my.app.android.activity'>..etc.

Then I have this in my manifest:
<activity android:name=".TestActivity">
                  <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                  <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                  <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /
                  <data android:scheme="http"
android:host="com.my.app.android.activity"  />

There isn't anywhere for me to be creating, or setting properties on,
an Intent.

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