On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Christopher Van Kirk
<christopher.vank...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Importing android.R breaks it.

I mostly see that with students that try using Eclipse's Ctrl-Shift-O
while they have a resource bug that inhibited R from being generated.

One solution to that would be for aapt to not get rid of the old R if
resource errors failed in generating a fresh R. This would also help
the "OMG my whole project's busted" effect you get from a failed R
build that therefore causes compile errors for every R reference in
the project.

> Having anything.out.xml in the resources area breaks it. Inexplicably,
> Eclipse tries its best to stick .out.xml files whenever you edit resource
> docs, so this one constantly crops up.

I haven't run into that recently. It used to happen to me a lot. And I
still occasionally run with an XML editor in the active tab, so
something fixed this for me -- in fact, I just tried it and could not
reproduce the problem. What Eclipse are you on (I'm on Galileo)? And
are you on the latest ADT?

> Intermittently compilation somehow misses resource declarations without
> generating any errors, requiring a complete rebuild, even though there are
> no errors.

FWIW, I haven't run into that, unless you mean the "R constants
changed and the inlined numbers in already-compiled classes didn't"

> It sometimes doesn't copy changed resources into the output apk, again
> requiring a complete rebuild.

FWIW, I haven't run into that. How are you determining that this has
occurred, vs. the R values simply being out of sync as in my previous

> Please consider dedicating one or more human resources to ferret out and
> solve these problems.

Check b.android.com for existing issues on these, and filing ones if
you don't see them. Prefix Eclipse specific ones with ADT, as that
seem to help them show up on the tools team's radar. Also, if you do
file issues, you might cross-post links to them to the adt-dev Google
Group, particularly for non-Eclipse-specific ones, to increase the
odds that they'll get properly assigned.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

_The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_ Version 2.1

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